142 datasets found

Keywords: ECONOMIE

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  • Surface Groups Cuba 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Finland 1984-2020

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Croatia 1984-2020

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Kuwait 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups France 1984-2020

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Nepal 1984 - 2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Economics Publication Survey Data

    The paper investigates the publishing behavior of economics’ scholars. Promotion committees relying heavily on publication metrics cause publication pressure and subsequent...
  • Surface Groups Guinea 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Belgium 1984-2020

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Burkina Faso 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Moldova 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Comoros 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Albania 1984-2020

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Turkey 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Burundi 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Azerbaijan 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Poland 1984-2020

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Bulgaria 1984-2020

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Surface Groups Belarus 1984-2021

    This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic...
  • Survey among workers, managers and union representatives from companies of ex...

    Preamble The project explores the extent to which transnational private governance affects the capacity of workers to take collective action in pursuit of improvements in...
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