Inhalts- und Diskursanalyse von Presseberichten zu Schule und Bildung- 2009
Medieninhalte zu Bildungsthemen sind - im Gegensatz zu anderen Bereichen - in der Vergangenheit nur sehr punktuell und oft unzureichend untersucht worden. Dies steht in einem... -
Wirkungen der Selektion WiSel (2011 - 2014)
The research on school effectivity has worked out a complex variety of proximal and distal determinants of achievement. Beside school and classroom the family essentially... -
InSe Mathetest SuS-Merkmale Messzeitpunkt 1
Students' results from standardized tests are often used to evaluate the individual learning outcomes, the teaching quality, and other characteristics of the education system at... -
InSe Mathetest Unterrichtsqualität Messzeitpunkt 2
Students' results from standardized tests are often used to evaluate the individual learning outcomes, the teaching quality, and other characteristics of the education system at... -
InSe Mathetest Unterrichtsqualität Messzeitpunkt 3
Students' results from standardized tests are often used to evaluate the individual learning outcomes, the teaching quality, and other characteristics of the education system at... -
InSe Mathetest Unterrichtsqualität Messzeitpunkt 4
Students' results from standardized tests are often used to evaluate the individual learning outcomes, the teaching quality, and other characteristics of the education system at... -
InSe Unterrichtsinhalte/Lernziele im Mathematikunterricht Messzeitpunkte 1 bi...
Students' results from standardized tests are often used to evaluate the individual learning outcomes, the teaching quality, and other characteristics of the education system at... -
InSe Expertenratings
Students' results from standardized tests are often used to evaluate the individual learning outcomes, the teaching quality, and other characteristics of the education system at... -
ARD-DeutschlandTrend 2008
Since 1997 the ARD-DeutschlandTREND is being conducted on behalf of the ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland -... -
Checks in BR NWCH 2013 - 2022
Die Kantone Aargau, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft und Solothurn (BR NWCH) haben das Institut für Bildungsevaluation, Assoziiertes Institut der Universität Zürich, beauftragt,... -
Checks in BR NWCH 2013 - 2020
The cantons of Aargau, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn (BR NWCH) have commissioned the Institute for Educational Evaluation, Associated Institute at the University...