Sinking rates of particles measured from deployments in the Atlantic Ocean ba...
The flux of materials to the deep sea is dominated by larger, organic-rich particles with sinking rates varying between a few meters and several hundred meters per day. Mineral... -
Biomarker of sediment trap WR2
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Foraminifera flux data of trap WR2
Counting >150 micron fraction -
Flux data of trap WR2
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Flux data and percentage of trap WR2, 1648 m
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Flux data and percentage of trap WR2, 599 m
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Trap data WR2, 1648 m
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Nanoplankton flux at trap WR2
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Distribution of nanoplankton at trap WR2
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d15N of trap WR2
Temporal changes in d15N values of sinking particles collected with sediment traps in the Benguela upwelling regime off southwest Africa mirrored variations in the input of... -
(Table 1) Sinking rates of particles in the Atlantic Ocean based on seasonal ...
EAA = Eastern Equatorial Atlantic, WEA =Western Equatorial Atlantic. -
Total organic carbon fluxes (< 1 mm size fraction), and export fluxes to a de...
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Particle fluxes for the sampling interval, various ratios and major nutrients...
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Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of POLARSTER...
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Flux data calculated from sediment trap WR2_trap
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Total flux data calculated from sediment trap WR2_trap
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Particle fluxes from sediment trap WR2
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Planktic foraminiferal flux of sediment trap WR2_trap
Counting >150 micron fraction