Reorientational dynamics in a low-dimensional glass
Most of the features exhibited by canonical glass-formers can also be found in systems with a high-degree of translational order. In addition to the well-known orientationally... -
Effect of Polymer Architecture on Solution Interactions with CTAB/SDS micelles
Dr Edler¿s group has recently been studying the interactions between polymers and surfactant micelles in solution in order to understand how this drives film formation at the... -
Meta-orbital transition in CeRh2Si2
Magnetic quantum critical points (QCPs) in strongly correlated electron systems, i.e. continuous phase transitions at absolute zero temperature, considerably attract both... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of a quantum frustrated undistorted fcc la...
A new material, Ba2LuMoO6, has been proposed to be an example of a valence bond glass. It bears numerous similarities in bulk measurements to Ba2YMoO6, which was the first... -
Copy of: Magnetic excitations in the one dimensional (1D) spin-chain systems:...
The spin-chain systems with general formula A¿3ABO6, crystallizing in the K4CdCl6 type structure has attracted a lot attention in recent years due to geometrical frustration... -
Magnetic excitations in the S=1/2 ferromagnetic semiconductor Lu2V2O7
Lu2V2O7 is a rare example of an S=1/2 pyrochlore. The fact that it is a ferromagnet with Tc=70 K belies the fact that it has some truly remarkable properties. These include the... -
Copy of: Structural and Magnetic Studies of Mixed-Valence Iron Silicates
We propose to study the temperature evolution of the spontaneous strain, crystal and magnetic structure of the charge ordered, mixed valence iron silicate ilvaite. In addition,... -
The diffusion of benz[b]anthracene, triphenylene and coronene with Raney Ni
We plan to conduct experiments on the interaction of benz[b]anthracene, triphenylene and coronene on Raney Ni. The experiment aims at understanding the fundamental motions of... -
High Energy Magnetic Excitations in Fe(Se,Te)
In our recent experiments on MERLIN we have established that the spin excitations in Fe(Se,Te) emanating from incommensurate positions near (0.5 0.5 0) extends at least to 250... -
The partial dynamical structure factors and vibrational density of states in ...
The object of this proposal is to measure the partial dynamical structure factors and the partial vibrational density of states (VDOS) for the archetypal network forming glass... -
Dynamical Transitions in the Ogg Glasses
We request 4 days on IRIS to study the temperature dependance of the structural dynamics in amorphous sodium-ammonia (Na-NH3). This will be the first investigation of the... -
Spin anisotropy of Seff=1/2 triangular rare-earth based antiferromagnets
In quantum magnetism significant efforts have been devoted to the search for new quantum states. In particular the Quantum Spin Liquid (QSL) state on the triangular lattice has... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study to understand the complex magnetic orderin...
In heavy fermion systems the competition between the RKKY interaction and the Kondo effect leads to a rich variety of phenomena, such as non-Fermi-liquid behavior, unusual... -
Molecular weight dependence of 2D-confined dynamics in glass-forming systems
We seek to explore the dynamics of glass forming systems upon extreme 2D-confinement. These experiments are motivated by preliminary experiments on oligomers and macromolecules... -
Temperature dependence of spin dynamics near quantum criticality in an Ising ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations near zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Here we apply for a... -
A series of robust metal-organic frameworks with exceptional capability for h...
We seek to develop new stable MOFs for practical gas separation and request 3 days on WISH to study the preferred binding sites of adsorbed gas molecules (CD4, C2D4 and C2D2)... -
Spin anisotropy of Seff=1/2 triangular rare-earth based antiferromagnets
The rise of quantum materials observed in the past decades has been a source of great excitement for condensed matter scientists, with the flourishing of new concepts and... -
Are magnetic excitations in the Yb based pyrochlores really gapless?
A recent neutron study of a powder sample attests a splayed ferromagnetic structure for Yb2Ti2O7. However in the same work the authors report gapless magnetic excitations even... -
Structural characterization of cellulose-based nanocomposites
Cellulose, known as a fascinating biopolymer and a never ending-source of new sustainable materials, is attracting increasing attention in different fields owing to its... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on the one dimensional magnetic systems Ba...
Most of the one dimensional spin chain compounds are antiferromagnetic with a rich magnetic phase diagram due to the magnetic frustration. We have synthesized Ba3CrS5 and...