743 datasets found

Keywords: Information society

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  • Media Analysis (MA 88, Print Media)

    Media usage of the population in 1987. The main focus of this part of the survey is on a detailed recording of the print media, while information on the radio media was...
  • Youth and Computers 1987

    Use of computers by young people and attitude to such computers. Topics: hobbies and leisure activities; personal and assumed open-mindedness of parents regarding computers;...
  • Communication Channels and Leisure Behavior in the Local Area: Influence of ...

    Attitude to cable television. Leisure behavior. Survey of persons in the area of the cable pilot project Ludwigshafen and in a control area. Topics: The complete survey is...
  • Media Analysis (MA 89, Electronic Media)

    Media usage of the population in 1988. The main focus of this part of the survey is on a detailed recording of the use of radio media while information on print media was...
  • Media Analysis (MA 89, Print Media)

    Media usage of the population in 1988. The main focus of this part of the survey is on a detailed recording of the use of print media while information on radio media was...
  • Media Analysis (MA 90, Electronic Media)

    Media usage. The main focus of this survey part is on detailed recording of the radio media, while information on the print media were surveyed more summarily. Topics:...
  • Media Analysis (MA 90, Print Media)

    Media usage. The main focus of this survey part is on a detailed recording of the print media, while information on the broadcast media were surveyed more summarily. Topics:...
  • Typology of Desires 1990 (FRG)

    Consumer inclination, media usage and possession economic goods. 2. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: 1. Consumer inclination, media usage and possession of...
  • Media Analysis (MA 91, Electronic Media)

    Mediennutzung, Freizeitaktivitäten und Haushaltsausstattung mit elektronischen Medien. Themen: Detaillierte Erfassung der Häufigkeit des Sehens und Hörens von Fernseh- und...
  • Media Analysis (MA 91, Print Media)

    Mediennutzung, Freizeitaktivitäten und Haushaltsausstattung mit elektronischen Medien. Themen: Detaillierte Angabe der Nutzung von monatlichen, vierzehntäglichen und...
  • Typology of Desires 1993

    Inclination to consumption, media usage and possession of economic goods. 2. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: 1. Inclination to consumption, media usage and...
  • Media Analysis (MA 93, Electronic Media)

    Media usage of the population. The main focus of this survey part is on the detailed recording of electronic media, while information on the print media and daily newspapers...
  • Media Analysis (MA 93, Print Media)

    Media usage of the population. The main focus of this survey part is on the detailed recording of the print media, while information on the electronic media and daily newspapers...
  • Acceptance and Effect of Cable Television (Panel 1986-1988)

    Three-wave panel survey on medium-term change of use of television, leisure habits, family interaction and political attitude on introduction of cable television. Topics: In all...
  • Acceptance and Effect of Cable Television (Panel: 1st Wave 1986)

    Use of television, leisure habits, family interaction and political attitudes on introduction of cable television. Topics: The description of the summarized panel data set can...
  • Acceptance and Effect of Cable Television (Panel: 2nd Wave 1987)

    Use of television, leisure habits, family interaction and political attitudes on introduction of cable television. Topics: The description of the summarized panel data set can...
  • Acceptance and Effect of Cable Television (Panel: 3rd Wave 1988)

    Use of television, leisure habits, family interaction and political attitudes on introduction of cable television. Topics: The description of the summarized panel data set can...
  • Media Analysis (MA 94, Electronic Media)

    Media usage of the population. The main focus of this part of the survey is on detailed recording of electronic media, while information on the print media and daily newspapers...
  • Media Analysis (MA 94, Print Media)

    Media usage of the population. The main focus of this part of the survey is on the detailed recording of print media while information on electronic media and daily newspapers...
  • Flash Eurobarometer 41 (Monthly Monitor February 1995)

    Attitude to the EU and new technologies. Topics: General judgement on membership of the country in the EU; advantageousness of membership of the country in the EU; satisfaction...
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