Grain size fractions of sediments from ODP Hole 119-739C
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Grain size fractions of sediments from ODP Hole 119-739B
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Grain size fractions of sediments from ODP Hole 119-739A
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(Table C4) Accumulation rate and grain size analysis of ODCP Site 151-909
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(Table C1, C3) Accumulation rate and grain size analysis of ODP Hole 151-908A
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Grain-size distribution from different surface sediment samples of Lake Towut...
A digital elevation model (DEM) of Lake Towuti and its surrounding was calculated using ArcGIS (Esri, Inc., Redlands, CA, USA). The model is based on open source satellite data... -
Micro-granulometry of sedimentary dykes, Kathmandu basin, Nepal
Soft-sediment deformation structures have been analyzed at six sites of the Kathmandu valley. Microgranulometric study (this Supplement and Fig. 3B of Mugnier et al.,... -
(Appendix) Grain-size distribution, calcium carbonate content and proportion ...
The textural and compositional characteristics of the 400 m sequence of Pleistocene wackestones and packstones intersected at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 820 reflect... -
Sedimentology and stable isotopes of core OD96_9:11:1
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Sedimentology and stable isotopes of core OD96_7:5:1
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Sedimentology and stable isotopes of core OD96_41:1:1
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Sedimentology and stable isotopes of core OD96_36:4:1
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Sedimentology and stable isotopes of core OD96_32:4:1
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Sedimentology and stable isotopes of core OD96_31:3:1
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Sedimentology and stable isotopes of core OD96_10:4:1
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Grain size measurements, carbon content, sulphur content and pollen analysis ...
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(Table 2) Sediment measurements in Kaipara, Tauranga, and Manukau Harbours, N...
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Gradistat derived properties of Hudson Strait Heinrich the < 2 mm sediment fr...
Gradistat derived properties of Hudson Strait Heinrich the < 2 mm sediment fraction from cores HU91020-074 and HU204024-042. Calcite is not removed due the presence of... -
Grain size of core Konar Sandal peat bog, SE Iran
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Granulometry of fluvial sediment from the Gersprenz, Modau, Muemling, and Upp...
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