Surveying Hebel-Slichter peaks in conventional-ish superconductors
The presence of a Hebel-Slichter peak in NMR or µSR measurements just below the critical temperature of superconductors is taken to be strong evidence for conventional behaviour... -
Investigating semi-metal superconductivity in a Lu3Os4Ge13 single crystal
Lu3Os4Ge13 is an interesting superconducting system, with potentially unconventional physics. It is a low carrier density semi-metal, exhibiting superconductivity at 3.1 K. This... -
Magnetic and superconducting phases in TbTe3
Rare-earth tri-tellurides (RETe3, RE = Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm) are materials with 2D electronic character and have a charge-density wave (CDW) phase... -
Polymer-surfactant films modified with alkylmethacrylates for structure reten...
We have previously observed formation of polymer-surfactant films at the air-water interface having a range of structures including 2D hexagonal, bicontinuous cubic and lamellar... -
ALCs investigation of the polymer PTAA (chain length = 80)
This proposal aims to study the avoided level crossing resonances (ALCs) of the amorphous polymer PTAA, with chain length 80. Previous measurements on PTAA have studied a... -
Surface adsorption of lipopeptides: interfacial layer structure
Lipopeptide surfactants are highly effective at reducing interfacial tension. However, there is a general lack of understanding of the relationship between their molecular... -
Clarifying the magnetism of two polymorphs of Ca2Os2O7 by muon spin rotation
This proposal is part of our project to investigate the unusual physics of 5d transition metal oxides. In particular, we are studying two samples of the chemical composition... -
A muSR Investigation of the Magnetic Ground State and Spin Dynamics in the Tr...
In a typical magnetic material the interactions between neighbouring magnetic moments will tend to lead to their ordered alignment throughout the entire structure as it is... -
Skyrmions in applied electric fields
One of the most studied skyrmion-hosting materials is the magnetoelectric insulator Cu2OSeO3 which raises the exciting prospect of manipulating the skyrmion-phase through the...