418 datasets found

Keywords: polarimetry

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  • The polarization of double radio relics

    Radio relics are Mpc-size synchrotron sources located in the outskirts of some merging galaxy clusters. Binary-merging systems with favorable orientation may host two almost...
  • HI-H2. exploring the role of magnetic field

    Atomic gas in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) is organized in filamentary structures. These structures usually host cold and dense molecular clumps. The Galactic magnetic...
  • JVLA Observations of Chandra Planck clusters

    It has been well established that galaxy clusters have magnetic fields. The exact properties and origin of these magnetic fields are still uncertain even though these fields...
  • MACS J0717.5+3745 polarization int. maps

    We present wideband (1-6.5 GHz) polarimetric observations, obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), of the merging galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745, which hosts...
  • L1172/1174 R-band polarimetric results

    Context. The LDN 1172/1174 cloud complex in the Cepheus Flare region presents a hub-filament structure with the reflection nebula, NGC 7023, illuminated by a Herbig Be star, HD...
  • HD 172555 polarimetric images

    Debris disks or belts are important signposts for the presence of colliding planetesimals and, therefore, for ongoing planet formation and evolution processes in young planetary...
  • Magnetic field structure around cores with VeLLOs

    We carried out optical polarimetry of five dense cores, (IRAM 04191, L1521F, L328, L673-7, and L1014) which are found to harbour very low luminosity objects (VeLLOs;...
  • 4U 0614+091 VLT spectrum

    We present a polarimetric and spectroscopic study of the persistent ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 0614+091 aimed at searching for the emission of a relativistic particle jet and...
  • LDN 1570 BV(RI)c polarisation and photometry

    We wish to map the magnetic field geometry and to study the dust properties of the starless cloud, L1570, using multiwavelength optical polarimetry and photometry of the stars...
  • Near-IR imaging polarimetry of HD142527

    HD 142527 is a pre-transition disk with strong evidence for ongoing planet formation. Recent observations show a disrupted disk with spiral arms, a dust-depleted inner cavity...
  • The 2.3GHz continuum survey of the GEM project

    Determining the spectral and spatial characteristics of the radio continuum of our Galaxy is an experimentally challenging endeavour for improving our understanding of the...
  • Radio polarimetry of CSS sources

    We present multi-frequency VLA polarisation observations of compact steep spectrum (CSS) sources. About half of the sources are point-like even at the resolution of about...
  • Circular polarization in pulsars

    We update the systematic studies of circular polarization in integrated pulse profiles by Han et al. (1998MNRAS.300..373H). Data of circular polarization profiles are compiled....
  • Linear Polarization of radio sources

    This catalogue is a compilation of all the data of linear polarization of radio sources published prior to December 1978. The catalogue contained 7224 data for 1510 radio...
  • Intensive monitoring of OJ 287

    We present intensive optical, infrared, and radio monitoring observations of the BL Lac object OJ 287, taken between the years 1993-1998. Two large optical outbursts were...
  • Optical Polarimetric Catalog for the SMC

    An optical polarimetric catalog for the Small Magelanic Cloud (SMC) is presented. It gives intrinsic and observed polarizations in the V-band for a total of 7207 stars located...
  • UBVRI polarimetric observations in NGC 6611

    An investigation on dust properties in the NW portion of NGC 6611 has been conducted polarimetrically to test the existence of abnormal extinction in that section of the open...
  • 1 Month-long skylight polarization images dataset

    A public database composed of real-world color polarimetric images of the sky in various weather condition over a month (~ 08-2022) in La Timone, Marseille More information in...
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