Phytoplankton abundance at station FLUPAC_003
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Phytoplankton abundance at station FLUPAC_002
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Phytoplankton abundance at station FLUPAC_001
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at Monsimet Cove in Admirality Bay,...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at Herve Cove in Admirality Bay, Ki...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at Goulden Cove in Admirality Bay, ...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at station Ezcurra Inlet - Outlet i...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at station Ezcurra Inlet - Jardine ...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at station Ezcurra Inlet - Dufayel ...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at CardozoCove in Admirality Bay, K...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at station Admirality Bay - Outlet,...
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Pigments measured on water bottle samples at station Admirality Bay - Napier ...
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Pheophytin a studies of Lanvéoc, Mesocosm experiment No. 3/Bay of Brest in Se...
Six mesocosms were used simultaneously.