World export data, 1948-1983
Simulation of, and study of patterns in international relations. Export figures of all sovereign nations during 1948 to 1983. -
Solidarity in economic transactions 1991-1994
Solidarity in economic transactions. Bargaining theory / contracting theory / decision making under uncertainty / discrimination model / framing / game theory / relational... -
Baltic trade 1845
This dataset contains information on baltic trade in the year 1845, based on the shipping records in the Sound Toll Accounts (STA). -
Automatiseringsonderzoek Limburg 1986-1987
Investigation into the degree of automatization, it's effects and attitude towards it at 830 firms in the province of Limburg Type of firm / number of employees / expectations... -
Wereld handelsnetwerk 1965
An inquiry into 'structural violence' between countries and the basis of 'dominance' in their trade relationships for each country / its 3 major export and import partners are... -
Surinaamse kleine zelfstandige ondernemers in Amsterdam 1983
Social and economic backgrounds in Surinam/ family relations, stimulation by parents, businesses / migration into the Netherlands: motives, financial and organizational aspects,... -
Maatschappelijke betrokkenheid van ondernemers uit het midden- en kleinbedrij...
Ethics of practical management in seven types of small- and medium sized business: manufacturing industry, building industry, wholesale business, retail trade, hotel and... -
Aandelen KPN : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Aggregate dataset Eastern Europe 1970-1980
Aggregate data of economical, military, demographical, social and political indicators concerning 7 Eastern European communist countries. ( Theme 1: population and society )... -
Extern management van automatisering 1995 - MAT'95
A survey of the management of the purchase of information technology - IT products by small and medium sized enterprises in the Netherlands. Characteristics of buyer,... -
Texter från Konsumentverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the website, hallåkonsument.se, run by of the Swedish Consumer Agency. The texts have been downloaded using the command 'w3m -dump' from an... -
Svensk opinion 1979
This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information... -
Demokrati och byråkrati i utrikes- och inrikespolitik: Medborgarundersökningen
In this study the respondent had to answer questions about interest in politics, party preference, party most disliked, actual vote in the 1979 election and voting intention at... -
Förändringar i inkomstfördelningen i 16 industrialiserade länder 1966-1994
Information about GDP per capita; GDP growth; total public expenditure as percent of GDP; percent public consumption; gini coefficient for equivalent disposable income; percent... -
Svensk opinion 1979
This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information... -
Demokrati och byråkrati i utrikes- och inrikespolitik: Medborgarundersökningen
In this study the respondent had to answer questions about interest in politics, party preference, party most disliked, actual vote in the 1979 election and voting intention at... -
Förändringar i inkomstfördelningen i 16 industrialiserade länder 1966-1994
Information about GDP per capita; GDP growth; total public expenditure as percent of GDP; percent public consumption; gini coefficient for equivalent disposable income; percent... -
Texter från Konsumentverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the website, hallåkonsument.se, run by of the Swedish Consumer Agency. Parallella texter nedladdade från webbplatsen hallåkonsument.se som drivs...