Magnetic structure of Ca2-xLaxRuO4 and Ca2-xPrxRuO4: impact of electron dopin...
Although the systems of choice for the study of electronic correlations have traditionally been 3d transition metal oxides, the interest has recently been extended to 4d and 5d... -
Nature of the ground state of Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice
Spin ice (SI) is a state of matter characterized by a residual (Pauling) entropy and unusual correlations. The huge interest in SI materials from the magnetism community stems... -
Magnetic structure and multiferroicity in metal-formate perovskites
The family of guanadinium metal formates (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) are isostructural with the perovskites and are therefore of interest for potential applications: in particular,... -
Exotic phase coexistence in magnetic and superconducting LaFe(As1-xPx)(O1-yFy)
The proposed 1111 system whose structures are largely underinvestigated exhibits properties with a strong potential for novel properties that complement our knowledge of the...