Field induced spin Luttinger liquid phase in a spin ladder
Spin ladders present a class of low-dimensional quantum magnets that occupy a regime of rather subtle behavior which lies between the stark extremes of a one-dimensional chain... -
Using muons to investigate the excitation spectrum in low-dimensional molecul...
We propose to use longitudinal field muon-spin relaxation to investigate the excitation spectrum of the most successful realizations of one- and two-dimensional antiferromagnets... -
Studying the metamagnetism of FeCl2 and FeBr2 using HiFi
Work on the iron halides FeX2 has led to the models of A-type antiferromagnetism and the tricritical point in magnetic systems. Here we wish to carry out decoupling experiments... -
Low Temperature Dynamics in beta-Mn
beta-manganese is the only room-temperature-stable crystal structrure of elemental manganese, which remains paramagnetic at all temperatures. This is in stark contrast to both... -
Studies of the Strongly Correlated Metal Yb4LiGe4
The intermetallic family R5T4 (R = rare earth, T = Si or Ge) exhibit a wide range of magnetic phenomena (eg., magnetic order, GMR, and enhanced magnetocaloric effect) which are... -
A muSR study of a new isotropic molecule-based spin ladder
Progress in the investigation of emergent ground states and novel excitations in condensed matter systems relies on the existence of materials that are well described by simple... -
Tuning the skyrmion lattice phase by Mn doping in the Co-Zn-Mn series
Magnetic skyrmions are vortex-like objects characterised by an integer topological winding number. They have been observed in the spin structures of several magnetic materials... -
Magnetic ordering and correlation phenomena in the rare-earth RT2Al10 compounds
RT2Al10 is a new series of rare-earth-based ternary aluminide compounds that show a variety of magnetic phenomena. This proposal is for a muSR study on three of its members to... -
muSR studies of expanded fullerides across the superconductivity dome
FCC Cs3C60 can be driven to a bulk superconducting state without symmetry change by the application of pressure. Its Tc passes through a maximum of 35 K at 6 kbar. We have been... -
Fluctuating stripes in an insulating hole-doped antiferromagnet
In a recent letter to Nature, Boothroyd and coworkers have shown that the well known hour-glass spectrum, previously observed in some cuprate materials, occurs in a hole doped... -
Magnetic properties of yttrium diluted Ho2-xYxTi2O7 spin ice.
Pure Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 exhibit spin ice behaviour. The recent discovery of monopoles and "magnetricity" in Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice has only added to the interest in these... -
The nature of excitations in a molecular Haldane system
It is well known that an S = 1 antiferromagnetic spin chain is predicted to have a quantum disordered ground state and a gap in its excitation spectrum. This so-called Haldane... -
Dynamics in staggered molecular spin chains
The ability to manipulate quantum states of matter is a goal of condensed matter science. Recent progress in molecular magnetism has shown the potential for gaining control over... -
Anisotropic Li+ diffusion in the cathode material LiFePO4
LiFePO4 is cathode material for Li ion batteries. One of the key functional properties is the Li-ion diffusion. Theoretical calculations showed that Li diffusion along the [010]... -
Influence of the cation disorder on the magnetic properties of underdoped cup...
We want to isolate the effects of doping, charge localization and local distortion on the transition from insulating antiferromagnet to superconducting metal in YBCO. We choose... -
Searching for magnetic ordering in the S=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional chain magn...
Muon spin relaxation is a remarkably powerful tool for discovering magnetic order in quasi-one-dimensional magnetic chain compounds, particularly when the weak interchain... -
A hidden spin liquid state in strongly correlated FeCrAs
In this continuation proposal we will conclude our muon study of FeCrAs, a recently re-examined material that displays many of the above characteristics, suggesting that it is a... -
Tuning the low-temperature magnetism of spin ice Dy2Ti2O7: Y-substitution and...
The spin ice compounds Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7 have come to enormous attention in the past year with the observation of excitations resembling magnetic monopoles. Here we propose... -
Frustration-stabilised high-field skyrmions
Magnetic skyrmions are nanometric topological vortex-like spin textures that appear in select materials and have lately attracted a lot of attention due to their numerous... -
Skyrmions in applied electric fields
One of the most studied skyrmion-hosting materials is the magnetoelectric insulator Cu2OSeO3 which raises the exciting prospect of manipulating the skyrmion-phase through the...