121 datasets found

Keywords: orbits

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  • New spectroscopic components

    Based on the correlation radial-velocity measurement, we discovered new spectroscopic subsystems in the components of six visual multiple stars and determined the elements of...
  • Stellar obliquities in exoplanetary systems

    The rotation of a star and the revolutions of its planets are not necessarily aligned. This article reviews the measurement techniques, key findings, and theoretical...
  • Masses and RV of exoplanets

    Being one of the most fundamental physical parameter of astronomical objects, mass plays a vital role in the study of exoplanets, including their temperature structure, chemical...
  • Mira variable cand. in Milky Way NSD region

    A key event in the history of the Milky Way is the formation of the bar. This event affects the subsequent structural and dynamical evolution of the entire Galaxy. When the bar...
  • SB2s in LAMOST-MRS

    We use an updated method for the detection of double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2s) using vsini values from spectral fits. The method is applied to all spectra from Large...
  • CVs from SDSS

    We present a catalogue of 507 cataclysmic variables (CVs) observed in SDSS I to IV including 70 new classifications collated from multiple archival data sets. This represents...
  • 15000 ellipsoidal binary candidates in TESS

    We present a homogeneously selected sample of 15779 candidate binary systems with main sequence primary stars and orbital periods shorter than 5d. The targets were selected from...
  • Minima times of GV Nor and V881 Sco

    The veracity of stellar evolution models and theoretical internal structure constants may be subjected to stringent tests by using physical parameters obtained from...
  • Duration measurements analysis KOIs planets

    Holczer, Mazeh, and collaborators (Holczer et al. 2016ApJS..225....9H, Cat. J/ApJS/225/9) used the Kepler 4-yr observations to derive a transit-timing catalog, identifying 260...
  • Var., period. and contact binaries in WISE

    The time-series component of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is a valuable resource for the study of variable objects. We present an analysis of an all-sky sample of...
  • CSS eclipsing binaries period variations

    We present 126 eclipsing binary candidates among 4683 Catalina Sky Surveys (CSS) detached and semi-detached eclipsing binary systems (EBs) showing cyclic or quadratic period...
  • Algol eclipsing binaries in the Catalina Survey

    The discovery and characterization of Algol eclipsing binaries (EAs) provide an opportunity to contribute for a better picture of the structure and evolution of low-mass stars....
  • ASAS census of twins

    Twin binaries were identified among the eclipsing binaries with {delta}>-30{deg} listed in the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) catalogue. In addition to the known twin...
  • Wide astrometric companions with Gaia DR2

    Evolution of close binaries often proceeds through the common envelope stage. The physics of the envelope ejection (CEE) is not yet understood, and several mechanisms were...
  • Orbits for 10 new binaries with Kepler

    Measuring phase modulation in pulsating stars has proven to be a highly successful way of finding binary systems. The class of pulsating main-sequence A and F variables, known...
  • TICs 167692429 and 220397947 triple stars

    We report the discovery and complex analyses of the first two compact hierarchical triple star systems discovered with TESS in or near its southern continuous viewing zone...
  • TOI-222: a 34-d eclipsing binary

    We report the period, eccentricity, and mass determination for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) single-transit event candidate TOI-222, which displayed a single...
  • Study of spiral density waves in CVs

    Spiral density waves are thought to be excited in the accretion discs of accreting compact objects, including cataclysmic variable stars (CVs). Observational evidence has been...
  • Modelling Kepler eclipsing binaries

    We report on the properties of eclipsing binaries (EBs) from the Kepler mission with a newly developed photometric modelling code, which uses the light curve, spectral energy...
  • K2 observations of binaries PHL 457 and EQ Psc

    We present an analysis of two pulsating subdwarf B stars PHL 457 and EQ Psc observed during the K2 mission. The K2 light curves of both stars show variation consistent with...
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