129 datasets found

Keywords: optical observation

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  • Fundamental parameters of CP stars

    The paper presents the results of determination of fundamental parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, luminosity, mass, radius, rotation velocity, and radial...
  • Galaxies in Lynx-Cancer void

    In this work we present the results of photometrical study of 85 objects from the updated sample of galaxies residing in the nearby Lynx-Cancer void. The images in filters...
  • CORNISH-South Survey and Catalogue

    We present the first high spatial resolution radio continuum survey of the southern Galactic plane. The CORNISH project has mapped the region defined by...
  • ICRF2 sources of the Rio survey

    We obtained improved optical positions for 300 ICRF2 sources - the Rio survey. We compared the Rio survey with 10 other selected optical astrometric surveys and studied the link...
  • The epoch ICRF

    The epoch International Celestial Reference Frame (epoch ICRF) is proposed as a new concept in order to consider the effect of apparent proper motion of the position of a radio...
  • LBA Calibrator Survey (LCS1)

    We present a catalogue of accurate positions and correlated flux densities for 410 flat-spectrum, compact extragalactic radio sources previously detected in the AT20G survey....
  • Proper motions in the Hyades

    We have used COSMOS scans of photographic plates taken by the Palomar Oschin Schmidt telescope (as part of the original Palomar Sky Survey) and by the UK Schmidt telescope to...
  • Calan-ESO proper-motion catalog

    The Calan-ESO Proper-Motion Catalog (CE Catalog) contains 542 stars with proper motions >=0.2"/yr, identified in 14 ESO areas in the southern hemisphere. Proper motions were...
  • BATSE occultation catalog of Gamma-Ray sources

    Using the powerful Earth-occultation technique, long-term, nearly continuous monitoring of the entire low-energy gamma-ray sky is now possible with the advent of BATSE, the...
  • ULYSSES supplement to GRB 3B catalog

    We present interplanetary network localization information for 218 gamma-ray bursts in the third BATSE catalog obtained by analyzing the arrival times of these bursts with the...
  • Faintest stars

    We present infrared K-band photometry of complete samples of VLM candidates constructed from IIIaF and IVN plates in 10 fields taken as part of the POSSII and UKSRC surveys....
  • Precise astrometry with VLBA (VIPS)

    We present accurate positions for 857 sources derived from the astrometric analysis of 16 eleven-hour experiments from the Very Long Baseline Array imaging and polarimetry...
  • The VLBA Galactic Plane Survey (VGaPS)

    We presents accurate absolute positions from a 24 GHz Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) search for compact extragalactic sources in an area where the density of known calibrators...
  • Celestial Reference Frame at 24 and 43GHz. II

    We have measured the submilliarcsecond structure of 274 extragalactic sources at 24 and 43 GHz in order to assess their astrometric suitability for use in a high-frequency...
  • Celestial Reference Frame at 24 and 43 GHz

    We present astrometric results for compact extragalactic objects observed with the Very Long Baseline Array at radio frequencies of 24 and 43GHz. Data were obtained from ten...
  • UBVRI Standard Stars

    UBVRI photoelectric observations have been made of 109 stars around the sky, centered more or less at -50{deg} declination. The majority of the stars fall in the magnitude range...
  • Stars in the Sagittarius Rift

    A magnitude-limited photographic survey of relative proper-motion components and B, V photometry of 1.3x10^6^ stars brighter than apparent B magnitude 14.5+/-0.5 in the fourth...

    We use very long baseline interferometry data obtained between mid-1995 and the end of 2002 May together with older data to extend and revise the International Celestial...
  • Errors in the FK5 Catalog

    This paper presents new positions for 689 FK5 stars determined directly in the extragalactic reference system from CCD scan observations made with the Flagstaff Astrometric...
  • Proper motions in ESO 207, 439, 440

    Proper motion stars have been identified from red IIIaF ESO Schmidt plates. This catalogue includes stars found in ESO Areas 207, 439, and 440 having mu >= 0.1 arcsec/yr....
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