MLAir (v1.0.0) - a tool to enable fast and flexible machine learning on air d...
MLAir (Machine Learning on Air data) is an environment that simplifies and accelerates the creation of new machine learning (ML) models for the analysis and forecasting of... -
Sample data file with TOAR air quality data for machine learning excercise
This file has been obtained from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report database described by Schultz, M.G. et al., Elementa Sci. Anthrop., 2017,... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural...
This record contains all experiment data for the manuskript "Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural networks for near-surface dma8eu ozone... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
DeepRain project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural...
This record contains data for the manuskript "Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural networks for ground-level daily maximum 8-hour... -
MLAir (v1.0.0) - a tool to enable fast and flexible machine learning on air d...
MLAir (Machine Learning on Air data) is an environment that simplifies and accelerates the creation of new machine learning (ML) models for the analysis and forecasting of... -
DeepRain Project presentations
In this entry a collection of internal publications, presentations, slides and reports from DeepRain. DeepRain is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung... -
O3ResNet: A deep learning based forecast system to predict local ground-level...
This record contains data for the manuscript "O3ResNet: A deep learning based forecast system to predict local ground-level daily maximum 8-hour average ozone" by L. H. Leufen,... -
O3ResNet: A deep learning based forecast system to predict local ground-level...
This record contains data for the manuscript "O3ResNet: A deep learning based forecast system to predict local ground-level daily maximum 8-hour average ozone in rural and... -
Global, high-resolution mapping of tropospheric ozone – explainable machine l...
This source code contains all methods that is being used in ozone mapping project. In addition, it contains scripts to run both explainable AI methods and methods used to study... -
Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural...
This record contains data for the manuskript "Exploring decomposition of temporal patterns to facilitate learning of neural networks for ground-level daily maximum 8-hour... -
Assessment of a subgrid-scale model for convection-dominated mass transfer fo...
Data accompanying the publication "Assessment of a subgrid-scale model for convection-dominated mass transfer for the initial transient rise of a bubble". -
The AQ-Bench Benchmark dataset as described in Betancourt et al. (2021): "AQ-Bench: a benchmark dataset for machine learning on global air quality metrics"... -
Atomic force microscopy indentation data of zebrafish spinal cord sections
The HDF5 file was created using the Python package nanite. It contains 1132 raw atomic force microscopy (AFM) force-indentation curves of zebrafish spinal cord sections, the... -
This repository contains measurement data that are presented in the paper "Modified Dynamic Time Warping with a Reference Path for Alignment of Repeated Drive-Tests" Submitted... -
Gridded data for the AQ-Bench dataset
This is a gridded version of the AQ-Bench variables. The AQ-Bench dataset and its documentation is available via Betancourt et al. (2021): "AQ-Bench: a benchmark dataset for... -
Atomic force microscopy indentation data of zebrafish spinal cord sections
The HDF5 file was created using the Python package nanite. It contains 1132 raw atomic force microscopy (AFM) force-indentation curves of zebrafish spinal cord sections, the... -
HPDBSCAN Benchmark test files
Four data sets used for the benchmark of HPDBSCAN. Collection of geo-tagged Twitter data: This set has been collected and made available to us by Junjun Yin form the National...