Estimating carbon contents in historical European blades through neutron diff...
Previous studies have attempted to correlate the results of metallography with neutron diffraction studies on the very high-carbon steels used in Oriental blades. Japanese sword... -
Technological study of Nuragic Bronze boat models (Sardinia, Italy)
The production of Nuragic Bronze Figurines represents a rich historical archive that provides key information not only about the iconography but also about the metal production... -
Quantitative determination of the Bragg edge transmission analysis of 9 steel...
The Bragg edge transmission (BET) analysis is a technique exploiting the presence, position and shape of the edges which form in time of flight transmitted neutron beams. This... -
Study on Chinese Ancient Iron Swords and Knives by Neutron
Iron sword and knife were two important weapons in history. They represented the highest level of iron technology available in Iron Age. Xian is the starting place of the Silk... -
ToF ND investigation of Medieval double-edged swords
The European Medieval double-edged sword develops in the 11th century from the Viking Age sword. Already in the 10th century, some of the finest examples of the Ulfberht type of... -
Magnetic scattering for strain-induced martensite detection in duplex stainle...
The investigation is aimed to confirm the non-diffusive process known as strain-induced martensite formation which could manifest itself in Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) during...