83 datasets found

Keywords: halo stars

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  • Local stellar halo member stars from Gaia DR2 & LAMOST

    Based on the second Gaia data release and spectroscopy from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Data, we identified 20,089 halo stars kinematically and...
  • Metal-poor star RAVE J093730.5-062655 abundances

    A new moderately r-process-enhanced metal-poor star, RAVEJ093730.5-062655, has been identified in the Milky Way halo as part of an ongoing survey by the R-Process Alliance. The...
  • Barium abundances of red giant branch stars

    There are many candidate sites of the r-process: core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe; including rare magnetorotational core-collapse supernovae), neutron star mergers (NSMs), and...
  • R-Process Alliance: 1st release in Galactic halo

    This paper presents the detailed abundances and r-process classifications of 125 newly identified metal-poor stars as part of an ongoing collaboration, the R-Process Alliance....
  • Galactic halo with APOGEE. II. Abundances.

    The formation processes that led to the current Galactic stellar halo are still under debate. Previous studies have provided evidence for different stellar populations in terms...
  • Abundances of two very metal-poor stars

    From high resolution (R~=45000), high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N>400) spectra gathered with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) in the H and K photometric...
  • Radial velocities of Milky Way inner halo stars

    We measure the three components of velocity dispersion, {sigma}R, {sigma}{theta}, {sigma}{phi}, for stars within 6<R<30kpc of the Milky Way using a new radial velocity...
  • HST & Keck spectroscopy of bright CEMP-s stars

    We present an elemental-abundance analysis, in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) spectral range, for the bright carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars HD 196944 (V=8.40, [Fe/H]=-2.41)...
  • Highly likely members of the Sgr stream

    Wrapping around the Milky Way, the Sagittarius stream is the dominant substructure in the halo. Our statistical selection method has allowed us to identify 106 highly likely...
  • Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars

    We revisit the observed frequencies of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars as a function of the metallicity in the Galaxy, using data from the literature with available...
  • Red giant star sample from SDSS

    We have obtained a sample of ~22000 red giant branch (RGB) stars based on stellar parameters, provided by the ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Cat. V/139),...
  • Candidate halo wide binaries

    We present an improved catalog of halo wide binaries compiled from an extensive literature search. Most of our binaries stem from the common proper motion binary catalogs by...
  • Orphan stream high-resolution spectroscopic study

    We present the first high-resolution spectroscopic study on the Orphan stream for five stream candidates, observed with the Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph on the...
  • The SEGUE K giant survey. II. Distances of 6036 stars

    We present an online catalog of distance determinations for 6036 K giants, most of which are members of the Milky Way's stellar halo. Their medium-resolution spectra from the...
  • Metal-poor stars from HES survey. II. Spectroscopy

    We report on the discovery of seven low-metallicity stars selected from the Hamburg/ESO Survey, six of which are extremely metal-poor (EMP, [Fe/H]{<=}-3.0), with four having...
  • Region I of La Silla QUEST RR Lyrae star survey

    A search for RR Lyrae stars (RRLSs) in ~840deg^2^ of the sky in right ascension 150{deg}-210{deg} and declination -10{deg} to + 10{deg} yielded 1013 type ab and 359 type c RRLS....
  • Detailed abundances for 97 metal-poor stars. II.

    We present chemical abundance analyses of sodium, iron-peak, and neutron-capture elements for 97 kinematically selected thick disk, inner halo, and outer halo stars with...
  • Most metal-poor stars. III. 86 [Fe/H]<=-3.0 stars

    We examine the metallicity distribution function (MDF) and fraction of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars in a sample that includes 86 stars with [Fe/H]<=-3.0, based on...
  • Most metal-poor stars. II. 190 Galactic halo stars

    We present a homogeneous chemical abundance analysis of 16 elements in 190 metal-poor Galactic halo stars (38 program and 152 literature objects). The sample includes 171 stars...
  • Oxygen abundances of dwarf stars

    Oxygen abundances of 67 dwarf stars in the metallicity range -1.6<[Fe/H]<-0.4 are derived from a non-LTE analysis of the 777nm OI triplet lines. These stars have precise...
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