CORNISH project IV. Radio-selected galactic PN
We present a new radio-selected sample of PNe from the CORNISH survey. We find 90 new PNe, of which 12 are newly discovered and 78 are newly classified as PN. A further 47... -
Maps of dust distribution in M31 bulge
We map the dust distribution in the central 180" (~680pc) region of the M31 bulge, based on HST WFC3 and ACS observations in ten bands from near-ultraviolet (2700{AA}) to... -
I-band light curves of SNe II from OGLE-IV
We study a sample of 11 Type II supernovae (SNe) discovered by the OGLE-IV survey. All objects have well-sampled I-band light curves, and at least one spectrum. We find that two... -
LVL SEDs and physical properties
We present the panchromatic spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the Local Volume Legacy (LVL) survey which consists of 258 nearby galaxies (D<11Mpc). The wavelength... -
KIC giants Bayesian distances and extinctions
We present a first determination of distances and extinctions for individual stars in the first release of the APOKASC catalogue, built from the joint efforts of the Apache... -
Star clusters distances and extinctions. II.
Until now, it has been impossible to observationally measure how star cluster scaleheight evolves beyond 1Gyr as only small samples have been available. Here, we establish a... -
3D extinction map of northern Galactic plane
We present a three dimensional map of extinction in the Northern Galactic Plane derived using photometry from the IPHAS survey. We construct the map using a method based on a... -
Synthetic supernova extinction curves
We apply the supernova (SN) extinction curves to reproduce the observed properties of SST J1604+4304 which is a young infrared (IR) galaxy at z~1. The SN extinction curves used... -
Galactic RR Lyrae data
We use accurate absolute proper motions and Two-Micron All-Sky Survey Ks -band apparent magnitudes for 364 Galactic RR Lyrae variables to determine the kinematical parameters of... -
K extinction near the Galactic Centre
We extract J and Ks magnitudes from the 2MASS Point Source Catalog for approximately 6 million stars with 8<Ks<13 in order to build an A_K_ extinction map within 10... -
Extinction in MBM12
Photoelectric magnitudes and color indices in the Vilnius seven-color system for 152 stars are used to investigate the interstellar extinction in the area of the Aries molecular... -
BH masses for AGNs behind the MCs from MQS & OGLE
We use the spectroscopic data collected by the Magellanic Quasars Survey (MQS) and the photometric V- and I-band data from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) to... -
{beta} Cephei pulsating variables from TESS and Gaia
{beta} Cephei pulsating variable (BCEP) stars are the most massive pulsating variable stars in the main sequence, exhibiting both p- and g-mode pulsations. In this study, we... -
Opt-IR counterparts of Chandra sources in CygOB2
The young massive OB association Cygnus OB2, in the Cygnus X complex, is the closest (~1400pc) star-forming region to the Sun hosting thousands of young low-mass stars and up to... -
The value-added COSMOS2020 catalog
This work presents and releases a catalog of new photometrically derived physical properties for the ~10^5^ most well-measured galaxies in the COSMOS field on the sky. Using a... -
HST/STIS low-resolution stellar library
In order to provide fundamental stellar spectra that extend into the UV, Hubble Space Telescope's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph targeted 556 stars via proposals GO9088,... -
The Ly{alpha} Reference Sample (LARS). XIV.
We present Ly{alpha} imaging of 45 low-redshift star-forming galaxies observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. The galaxies have been selected to have moderate to high star... -
Low-mass companions to KOIs observed with APOGEE
We report the characterization of 28 low-mass (0.02M_{sun}<=M_2<=0.25M_{sun}_) companions to Kepler objects of interest (KOIs), eight of which were previously designated... -
Multiwavelength SED analysis of GOALS ULIRGs
We conduct hard X-ray to radio multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) decomposition for 57 local luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies observed with the... -
Stellar radii & extinctions from APOGEE, GALAH & RAVE
Asteroseismology has become widely accepted as a benchmark for accurate and precise fundamental stellar properties. It can therefore be used to validate and calibrate stellar...