Surface structures of polycations in confined geometries
A second-generation surface force style apparatus has been developed to probe the inter-surface and near-surface structures under compressive forces. Systems of current academic... -
SR study near the ferromagnetic quantum critical point in CePd1-xRhx ...
Rcently the NFL behaviour near an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point (AFQCP) has been investigated extensively. Very recently, we have investigated, for the first time,... -
The influence of transmembrane potential on the orientation of antimicrobial ...
Natural antimicrobials are of great interest, since they are antibiotics that act on the biological membrane, and it is believed that this makes it far more difficult for... -
Phase-object approximation in neutron reflectometry
Recently De Haan et al. described the phase-object approximation for small angle neutron scattering. This method can be extended towards neutron reflectometry. Prelimenary... -
SANS study of the structure of surfactant stabilised Pt and Ru nanoparticles
Surfactants have been used to bind and disperse Pt and Ru nanoparticles during their synthesis. In this work, we propose to use SANS to determine the thickness and packing... -
Viscosity modifiers for CO2
There is a well-documented track record of research into water-in-CO2 (w/c) microemulsions. Using newly discovered CO2 compatible surfactants, the next step is to explore... -
Crystal Structures of Multiferroic MnWO4: HRPD
Multiferroic materials are rare and exceptional: they are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic in the same phase and these two properties can couple. Recently, materials with complex... -
Studying the helimagnetic order and precursor phenomena in MnSi under pressure
The archetype chiral system MnSi belongs to the family of non-centrosymmetric cubic helimagnets where a helimagnetic ordering exists below the critical temperature of 29 K. This... -
SANS Investigation on Packing Structure of Proteasome Activator 28
Proteasome plays an important role in the processing of antigenenic proteins for presentation by the MHC class I pathway. PA28 is an activator of the 20S proteasome, a large... -
YMnO3-x : Mn(I) in a mixed metal oxide ?
Topotactic reduction of YMnO3 with CaH2 yields three new reduced phases. Two of these phases appear to have compositions close to YMnO2.5 but with very different anion vacancy... -
Spin Dynamics in the Quantum Critical and Ferromagnetic Regimes of URu2-xRe
Recently, there has been a significant amount of interest in quantum phase transitions and non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior exhibited by heavy-fermion compounds. Interestingly... -
Enhanced oxygen hyperstoichiometry in Y doped La9.33+xGe6O26+3x/2
Apatite-type lanthanide silicates/germanates have been attracting considerable interest as a new class of oxide ion conductors. The presence of interstitial oxide ions is... -
Spin crossover and low temperature spin dynamics in In2VO5
The one dimensional material In2VO5 contains frustrated zigzag chains of corner sharing V 4+ (S = 1/2) square based pyramids interspersed with sheets of edge sharing InO6... -
Phase behaviour of nano-sized ion-inserted compounds
Insertion reactions are of key importance for Li-ion and Hydrogen storage materials and energy storage devices. Nano-sizing the electrode materials has emerged as a promising... -
Superconductivity induced changes in the ferromangetic order of Y(1-x)PrxBa2C...
By polarized neutron reflectometry we want to investigate the magnetic field profile in Y(1-x)PrxBa2Cu3O7/La(2/3)Ca(1/3)MnO3 high-Tc superconductor/ferromagnet superlattices. In... -
The ground state of a Kondo ion: V dissolved in the noble metal Au.
The 'non-magnetic' ground state of a Kondo ion is generally believed to consist of the localised spin surrounded by a compensating cloud of conduction electrons coupled... -
Analysis of magnetic properties via the F-mu-F state in inorganic flourides
Here we propose to investigate the fluroide containing compounds - AgF2, CuF2 and Cs2CuF4. By taking advantage of the F-mu-F coupling wich occurs in these compounds, we will... -
Diffraction Resistance Measurements of a Chalcopyrite
During the course of a PhD project funded by CCLRC's CMPC, we have developed a cell that allows electrical transport property measurements to be made simultaneously with the... -
Isotope dependence of the Néel Temperature in cuprates
The effect of isotope exchange on the Néel temperature in the cuprates was neer determined because it was impossible to perform relaible isotope exchanges in the parent... -
SESANS of beetle scales and butterfly wings
Neutron scattering and in particular SESANS is able to give us excellent ensemble averaging of the optical properties of materials which exhibit structural colour. We plan to...