Macrobenthos in surface sediments off Sylt collected during HEINCKE cruise HE206
Sample area: 0.02 m**2 -
Zooplankton abundance measured on Apstein net samples during cruise CISKA2005
Apstein net, meshsize 200 µm -
Steinbock (1937) Turbellaria XIV. The fishery grounds near Alexandria. Notes ...
This is a historical dataset regarding Turbellaria species collected by professor Steurer; during his three month's stay in Alexandria. It contains large forms only, all of them... -
Steinbock (1937) Turbellaria XIV. The fishery grounds near Alexandria. Notes ...
This is a historical dataset regarding Turbellaria species collected by professor Steurer; during his three month's stay in Alexandria. It contains large forms only, all of them... -
Steinbock (1937) Turbellaria XIV. The fishery grounds near Alexandria. Notes ...
This is a historical dataset regarding Turbellaria species collected by professor Steurer; during his three month's stay in Alexandria. It contains large forms only, all of them...