Individual polychlorinated biphenyl congener air-water volatilization fluxes ...
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Individual polychlorinated biphenyl congener air-water absorption fluxes from...
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Individual polychlorinated biphenyl congener air-water net fluxes from the so...
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Effective volume of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners obtained using passive...
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PCB fugacity water-air ratio obtained using passive samplers in IHSC
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Polychlorinated biphenyl air-water volatilization flux obtained using passive...
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Polychlorinated biphenyl air-water net flux obtained using passive samplers i...
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Polychlorinated biphenyl air-water absorption flux obtained using passive sam...
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Concentration of individual polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in surficial f...
We report the results of individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in the surficial freshwater sediment from a wastewater lagoon located in Virginia (USA). PCB... -
(Table 1b) Stable isotopes and PCB concentration in seawater and particulate ...
Samples are taken from the whole water column. 0 = below limit of detection. -
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the continental shelf of the Korea Strait
= below detection limit -
(Table 1) Halogenated organic compounds in black-legged kittiwake (Rissa trid...
All concentrations per g wet weight. Chlordanes = trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, oxy-chlordane, chlordene, heptachlor, trans-nonachlor, cis-nonachlor; DDT = o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDT,... -
(Table TS1) Concentrations of organochlorine compounds and mercury in ivory g...
Organochlorine compounds are given per g lipid weight, mercury is given per g wet weight. Sum of 28 PCBs includes... -
(Table 4) Concentrations of PCBs and MeSO2-PCBs in adipose tissue of polar be...
Concentrations per g lipid weight. The 74 congeners of PCBs were: CBs 18, 17, 16/32, 31, 28, 33/20, 22, 52, 49, 47/48, 44, 42/59, 64/41, 74, 70/76, 66, 56/60, 95, 92, 101/90,... -
(Table 1) Concentration of organochlorines in Great skua eggs (Stercorarius s...
All concentrations per (kilo)gram wet weight; ng/g = µg/kg; µg/g = 1/1000 µg/kg. Toxaphenes : N = 10 for both years. -
(Appendix 1) Persistant organic pollutant concentrations in liver of wild sea...
Concentrations are given per gram wet weight. -
(Supplementary Table 5) Isotopic ratios and persistent organic pollutants (PO...
Concentrations are given per g lipid weigth. 0 = below limit of detection. Pectoral muscle of birds were analyzed for POPs and stable isotopes. A piece of the dorsolateral... -
(Table 1a) Stable isotopes, lipid content and PCB concentration in zooplankto...
All concentrations are given per g lipid weight. Zooplankton samples are taken from the whole water column. 0 = below limit of detection. -
(Table 2) Concentrations of dioxin-like and non-dioxin like contaminants in N...
All concentrations are given per wet weight. The non-dioxin-like PCB's are the sum of PCB-28, -52, -101, -138, -153 and -180 and -118. EU's upper limits for the consumption of... -
(Table 3) Mean plasma lipid content, and plasma PCB and OH-PCB concentration ...
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