Elemental compostion of sediment core JPC19
In this dataset we present high resolution elemental concentrations of major elements from cores in the Mackenzie Delta area and the Amundsen Gulf. Here we present the... -
Time series (2017-2018) of dissolved trace metals, macro-nutrients, major ele...
This dataset contains concentrations of dissolved trace metals (Al, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb), macro-nutrients (Si and PO4), major elements (Li, Ca, K, Mg, and Sr) and Pb... -
Trace metal and metalloid elements of sediment core MAR16-02 from the Eure Ri...
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Lead isotope ratios of sediment core MAR15-01 from the Eure River, France
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Total organic carbon content of sediment core FOR17-02 from the Avre River (E...
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Grain size distribution of sediment core FOR17-02 from the Avre River (Eure R...
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Trace metal and metalloid elements of sediment core FOR17-02 from the Avre Ri...
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X-ray fluorescence of sediment core DAM17-02 from the Eure River, France
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Trace metal and metalloid elements of sediment core DAM17-02 from the Eure Ri...
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Trace metal and metalloid elements of sediment core DAM17-02 from the Eure Ri...
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Radiocarbon dating of sediment cores JPC19 and JPC9
Radiocarbon ages of sediment cores HLY1302-JPC19 and HLY1302-JPC9 from the Mackenzie Delta area and the Amundsen Gulf. Dates given here are uncalibrated 14C ages. -
Deglacial geochemical evidence of meltwater drainage into the Arctic from the...
In this dataset we present new high resolution Pb isotope data alongside elemental concentration and ARM (anhysteretic remanant magnetization) data for four core sites in the... -
Flux calculatiuons for sediment cores MD97-2121, TAN1106-43 and TAN1106-28
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Sr-Nd-Pb composition, 230Th-normalised detrital fluxes and grain size analysi...
Atmospheric dust is a primary source of iron (Fe) to the open ocean, and its flux is particularly important in the high nutrient, low chlorophyll (HNLC) Southern Ocean where Fe... -
In-situ mineral, bulk sulfide-sulfate, S- and Pb isotope, and whole rock majo...
The samples used in this study were recovered from active hydrothermal venting at the seafloor at the Niuatahi caldera, Lau basin, Tonga rear-arc, observed during research... -
Trace metals and metalloid elements in sediment cores (1940s-2017) and suspen...
We measured trace metals and metalloid elements (TMMs) and isotopes of Pb in sediment cores (collected in two independant ponds) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)... -
Geochemical fingerprints of Australian dusts at their source
The data sets relate to field campaigns conducted in various parts of Australia aimed at collecting samples from potential source areas of dust deflation. These are:Dust OZ-2... -
Whole rock major and chalcophile element composition as well as measurments o...
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S- and Pb isotope composition of sulfide seperates from samples at the Niuata...
Note: polysulphide refers to a sulfate free mixture of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. -
In-situ EPMA and LA-ICP-MS measurments of chalcopyrite at the Niuatahi calder...
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