Abundance of benthos infauna at station GIK23013-2
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Abundance of benthos infauna at station GIK23011-2
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Abundance of benthos infauna at station GIK23006-3
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Abundance of benthos infauna at station GIK23004-3
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Abundance of benthos infauna at station GIK23002-1
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Abundance of benthos infauna at station GIK23000-1
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Occurrence of the most important taxa of macrofauna on Voering Plateau, Tab.1...
given as percentage of abundance -
Macrobenthos from Voering Plateau, Tab.10a,11a,14a
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Epifauna in deep sea stations of the Voering Plateau, Tab.7
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Grain size fractions of sediment core GIK23024-1, Tab.3b
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Grain size fractions of sediment core GIK23004-3, Tab.3a
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Macrofauna biomass in surface sediments of Vøring Plateau
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Accumulation rates from surface sediments in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
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Radionuclides of surface sediments from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
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Investigation of N. pachyderma from the North Atlantic
The shells of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma have become a classical tool for reconstructing glacial-interglacial climate conditions in the North... -
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris in surface sediments of the Nor...
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris of surface sediments in the Nordic Seas were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetic... -
Geochemical analysis of surface sediments from the ocean floor and from sea i...
Barium in marine terrigenous surface sediments of the European Nordic Seas is analysed to evaluate its potential as palaeoproductivity proxy. Biogenic Ba is calculated from Ba...