Raw pollen counts from IODP Site 353-U1446, Bay of Bengal
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Pollen and spores of the KTG core, Katingan, Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indo...
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried... -
Pollen and spores of IODP Site 361-U1479
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Relative abundances of AP and NAP pollen in the Toushe Basin (Fig2B)
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Pollen and spores of sediment core GeoB7920-2
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Abundance of pollen and their source area of sediment core GIK12347-2 (Table 2)
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Abundance of pollen and their source area of sediment core GIK12345-5 (Table 2)
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Abundance of pollen and their source area of sediment core GIK12344-6 (Table 2)
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Pollen and Spores of sediment core MD96-2048 Pleistocene
To study the influence of pCO2 on the Pleistocene development of the SE African vegetation, we used the pollen record of a marine core (MD96-2048) retrieved from Delago Bay... -
CLAM age model and pollen profile of sediment core Rumuiku_Swamp
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CLAM age model and pollen profile of sediment core Lynchs_Crater
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CLAM age model and pollen profile of sediment core Lake_Tanganyika
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CLAM age model and pollen profile of sediment core Lake_Malawi
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CLAM age model and pollen profile of sediment core Kashiru_Bog
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Pollen analysis of sediment core GeoB9311-1
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Pollen profile of sediment core FR1/94-GC3 from the East Tasman Plateau, Aust...
Long, well-dated records of climate change in Australia are rare because most of the continent is prone to deflation and sediments are difficult to date beyond 40,000 years.... -
Pollen distribution of sediment core MD96-2048 from the Western Indian Ocean
Glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the vegetation of South Africa might elucidate the climate system at the edge of the tropics between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.... -
Pollen and spore profile of sediment core SB-B, Sungai Buluh peatland, Sumatr...
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REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with optimized RPP values for...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 80 Indopacific sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with optimized RPP values for...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 155 African sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0...