Na4Ir3O8: a spin liquid, a valence bond crystal, or something else?
Spins on the kagome lattice are one of the most widely investigated topics in frustrated magnetism. This two-dimensional corner sharing triangular lattice offers a... -
Kinetics of Hydrogen Abstraction in Butane by Mu Reactivity
Hydrogen abstraction reactions are key steps in free radical mechanisms that dominate the combustion and atmospheric chemistry of the alkane hydrocarbons and, as such, merit... -
Copy of: Towards a Method of Quantifying Electrophilicity and Nucleophilicity
Our understanding of chemical reactivity is founded on the fundamental concepts of Electrophilicity and Neucleophilicity. There are a number of attempts of limited applicability... -
Molecular diffusion in supercooled liquid water
Following our μSR experiment on liquid water (RB1720491) we propose to measure molecular diffusion coefficient (the sum of the diffusion coefficients of muonium and oxygen... -
Chasing the hydrogen-saturated defects in tungsten with Muon spectroscopy
The structure and dynamics of hydrogen (H) defects in tungsten recently become a topic of major interest since this metal has been chosen as shielding material for the next step... -
Investigation of excitonic physics in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules
The MuSES project currently ongoing in the HiFi spectrometer gives unique opportunity in the field of photochemistry and photophysics of organic molecules. After two successful... -
Quantum magnetism in copper-oxalate networks ranging from isolated triangles ...
The oxalate ligand provides a flexible way of constructing metal organic framework systems based on metallic ions such as Cu and their structures can be finely tuned via careful... -
Mn have been found to be an interesting ion to be used as dopant in Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) crystals in order to enhance their photorefractive properties. These materials are... -
Muonium in alpha-boron
Previous muon experiments have identified a muonium state in the commonly occuring, but complex, beta rhombohedral form of elemental boron. To complement recent theoretical work... -
Antioxidants are receiving increased attention for their potential effects in the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease as... -
Effect of electric field on paramagnetic state formation in molecular semicon...
The effect of electric field on the diamagnetic and paramagetic muon spin rotation signals will be investigated for the organic molecular semiconductors NPB and TPBi . These... -
Probing adduct radicals in graphite
Graphite has been the first material ever studied by µSR, but a comprehensive scheme to understand its behaviour still lacks. In particular it is not properly known if and how... -
Auger recombination in low temperature silicon measured by photo-MuSR technique
We measure electron-hole recombination rate in low-temperature pure silicon using the photo-MuSR technique. The previous works have measured the recombination rate down to -30... -
Superconductivity and magnetism in Cu2+-based coordination polymer [Cu3C6S6]n
Cu-BHT exhibits perfect kagome lattice of Cu2+ and previous combined magnetization and specific heat results suggested the presence of strong spin fluctuations. If there are... -
A Study of AuMu^+ Final States by Dia RF Resonance
Small-sized metal nanoparticles (NPs) are of long standing interest to both magnetism and heterogeneous catalysis. Recent muSR studies of Au NPs encapsulated in mesoporous... -
A study of Line Broadening of the Muonium RF Signal in the Presence of O2 Spi...
Considerable work has been carried out at ISIS with the aim of studying muoniated radicals in the gas phase by RF techniques. This has been motivated both by a desire to... -
A Multiparameter muSR Study for Bioelectronic Conductors
Advanced health informatics is a grand challenge for 21st century medicine. The aim is to develop devices to enhance personalised healthcare. Part of such devices is selecting... -
Muon Spin Relaxation studies of Ni(TCNQ)2
Molecular ferromagnets offer great potential as they are synthesized at low temperatures and offer the possibility functionalization. Ni(TCNQ)2 is such a molecular ferromagnet,... -
The XY pyrochlore AFM:spin dynamics upon rare-earth dilution in Er2Ti2O7 (CON...
Er2Ti2O7 constitutes an experimental realization of the <111> easy-plane pyrochlore AFM and orders at 1.1 K into the theoretically predicted spin structure. However, the... -
Effect of electric field on paramagnetic state formation in molecular semicon...
The effect of electric field on the diamagnetic and paramagetic muon spin rotation signals will be investigated for the organic molecular semiconductors NPB and TPBi . These...