Weight percent nitrogen from Bering Sea IODP Site 323-U1342
Here, we present a high-resolution paleo-productivity record of weight percent nitrogen (wt % N) from IODP Expedition 323 Site U1342 (818 m depth) in the Bering Sea from 0-1.2... -
Statistical analysis of bulk nitrogen isotopes from IODP Site 323-U1342
Here, we present the results of a statistical analysis published in Knudson et al., (2021, Science Advances), which investigates nitrogen isotopes from Integrated Ocean Drilling... -
High resolution XRF from IODP Site 323-U1342
We present new high resolution records of elemental ratios from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 323 Site U1342 in the Bering Sea. Sediment cores measured by... -
Silicic acid utilisation from IODP Site 323-U1343
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Silicic acid supply from IODP Site 323-U1343
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δ30Si from IODP Site 323-U1343
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Diatom assemblage data from IODP Site 323-U1343
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(Supplement T1) Clay mineral compositions at the Aleutian Basin of the Bering...
The clay mineral composition at IODP Exp. 323 Site U1343 in the Bering Sea was analyzed so as to unravel their provenance over glacial-interglacial cycles for the last 2.4 Ma.... -
Sea-ice biomarkers, benthic and planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry, and be...
The dataset compiles sea-ice biomarkers (IP25, HBI II, HBI III, Triene E, Brassicasterol, Campesterol, Cholesterol, β- sitosterol) together with benthic and planktonic... -
Sea-ice biomarkers, benthic and planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry, and be...
The dataset compiles sea-ice biomarkers (IP25, HBI II, HBI III, Triene E, Brassicasterol, Campesterol, Cholesterol, β- sitosterol) together with benthic and planktonic... -
Diatom fragment composition in the back-scattered electron images obtained fr...
The dataset of diatom fragment composition in the back-scattered electron images (BSEI) of cross thin section of laminated sediments and lamina thickness for Sections... -
Diatom analysis in subsample smear slides from IODP Hole 323-U1340A
The dataset of diatom analysis in the subsample smear slides obtained from Sections IODP323-U1340A-10H-1W, 134-149cm, 10H-2W, 001-116cm, and 14H-1W, 60-88cm. -
Composition of rare earth elements (REE) in the subsamples obtained from IODP...
The composition of rare earth elements (REE) in the subsamples obtained from Sections IODP323-U1340A-10H-1W, 134-149cm, 10H-2W, 001-116cm, 14H-1W, 60-88cm. The three reference... -
Nitrogen mass accumulation rate from different holes of IODP Site 323-U1342
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Bulk sediment nitrogen isotopes from IODP Site 323-U1342 Holes A, C, and D
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Difference calculations with isotope tracers (Delta d15N) from IODP Site 323-...
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Isotopes of benthic foraminifera from different holes of IODP Site 323-U1342
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Carbon mass accumulation rate from different holes of IODP Site 323-U1342
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Carbonate-free sediment analysis different holes of IODP Site 323-U1342
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Age model tie points from IODP Site 323-U1342
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