cAMP signalling movies and optogenetics
Movies of single cell cAMP signalling over population scales. Movies of optogenetic activation of cAMP to control population dynamics. -
Underlying data from "Lamin A precursor localises to the Z-disk of sarcomeres...
The excel file contains raw data set of values generated from Semi-quantitative analysis of protein abundance using the Li-Cor Odyssey platform. Time intervals of cycling... -
Changes in ESCRT-III filament geometry drive membrane remodelling and fission...
These are the data sets required to generate the figures in our paper 'Changes in ESCRT-III filament geometry drive membrane remodelling and fission in... -
Curling of epithelial monolayers reveals coupling between active bending and ...
This repository contains data pertaining to the publication entitled "Curling of epithelial monolayers reveals coupling between active bending and tissue tension". This... -
ITPK1 mediates the lipid-independent synthesis of inositol phosphates control...
These are the raw data used to generate all the figures presented in the manuscript "ITPK1 mediates the lipid-independent synthesis of inositol phosphates controlled by... -
Raw sequence data from sorted CySCS in control and Rbf knockdown using Tj>GFP...
Sequencing reads for sorted cells using Tj-Gal4, UAS-GFP to sort CySCs and early cyst cells in the Drosophila testis. Data are for 3 replicates of control (Tj>GFP) and 3... -
Data for manuscript 'GMP compliant isolation of mucosal epithelial cells and ...
Data points for figure 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. GraphPad Prism 8 files -
Digitized Thin Blood Films for Sickle Cell Disease Detection
If you plan on using this dataset, please cite : P. Manescu, C. Bendkowski, R. Claveau, M. Elmi, B.J. Brown, V. Pawar, M. Shaw and D. Fernandez-Reyes, A weakly supervised deep... -
Animation showing the tissue remodelling within lymph node tissue during an adaptive immune response. -
Proteomics of matrix production - FRCs
Data to accompany figure S2Proteomics of FRC-derived matricesIn vitro FRC cell line-derived matrices generated after 5 days in culture were subjected to proteomic analysis by... -
Poster - Regulation of Podoplanin Expression and Function
Poster presented by Dr Lotte de Winde at #EMBOmesenchymalcells Athens May 2019Poster - Regulation of Podoplanin Expression and Function -
Data and scripts for paper "Modelling Membrane Reshaping by Staged Polymeriza...
Data and scripts for paper "Modelling Membrane Reshaping by Staged Polymerization of ESCRT-III Filaments". Including data points for figures in main and SI, and LAMMPS input file. -
CLEC-2/PDPN signalling phospho proteomics
Fold difference values from TMT proteomics of total protein and phosphopeptides, 5 biological replicates: control vs CLEC-2 stimulated. 15 minutes and 24 hour time... -
Spindle reorientation in response to mechanical stress is an emergent propert...
The zipped folder contains the data related to each of the figures and supplementary figures of the manuscript.