Structure of hot dense liquid carbon dioxide
We propose to study the structure of liquid CO2 by neutron diffraction under high pressure and high temperatures to 6 GPa / 800 K. Carbon dioxide belongs to the most fundamental... -
Uniaxial pressure effect in FeTe
Superconductivity in iron-based materials occurs in close proximity to a long-range ordered magnetic phase. In the iron pnictides, uniaxial pressure shifts the magnetic ordering... -
Looking at the motion associated with the cation and their freezing in TEA(TC...
The study of organic based materials is a popular topic and spans both chemistry and physics and presents some significant advantages. Of interest within this proposal is the... -
Structural determination of non-stoichiomentric phases Li2+yND for 0<y<1
In a series of in situ neutron diffraction measurements from deuterium up-take in Li3N, the present authors have identified a novel non-stoichiometric 'quasi-imide' of... -
The lattice parameter displacements in kamacite and taenite phases in metalli...
This dataset has no description
The Dynamics of Breathing Metal-Organic Frameworks from Total Scattering
Metal-organic framework materials are a topical family of nanoporous solids that have potential applications in molecular storage, separation and catalysis. Some of these... -
Structures of metastable water ice XVII with different guests molecules
Very recently, we have studied the crystalline structure of the C0-phase H2-filled ice (recovered at room pressure and low temperature) and ice XVII, a new form of ice... -
In-situ studies of alkaline earth nitride deuterides
Heavy alkaline earth nitride hydrides (AE2NH, with AE = Ca and Ba) are of interest due to their potential suitability as electrolyte materials in a variety of electrochemical... -
Understanding Molecular Host-Guest Interactions in Functionalised Metal-Organ...
We aim to perform inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements at the TOSCA spectrometer to study the vibrational behaviour of designer Guest@MOF composite systems (e.g.... -
Gas-phase oxidation of insoluble monolayer at air-water interface with no equ...
The Earth¿s climate is strongly influenced by clouds. The oxidative processing of pollutants in clouds affects cloud droplet size and optical properties, important climatic... -
Ruddlesden Popper Ca2MnO4 - a Material Exhibiting a New Type of Negative Ther...
The Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) compounds An+1BnO3n+1 exhibit a broad range of technologically interesting properties such as high-Tc superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance,... -
Investigation of a frustrated quantum magnet with novel interaction scheme
SrCuTe2O6 consists of a 3-dimensional arrangement of spin-1/2 Cu ions that are coupled into network of isolated triangles,a highly frustrated hyperkagome lattice consisting of... -
In situ studies of mixed-phase oxygen transport membranes
The oxygen transport membrane is a system being developed by St Andrews in conjunction with industry, which at high temperatures will allow the selective migration of oxygen... -
Interlayer and Interparticle Water in Clays
Clay barriers are routinely used in nuclear waste repositories to isolate radionuclides from the biosphere. Such barriers have to be carefully designed to remain effective for... -
Thermal expansion of recovered high-pressure ice polymorphs
The ambient-pressure phase of ice is a well-known example of a molecular solid that exhibits negative volume thermal expansion below 60 K. In a recent study carried out on HRPD... -
Origin of Anomalous Thermal Expansion in Ih phase of Protonated (H2O) and Deu...
Among the all known crystalline ice phases, ice (Ih phase) exhibits anomalous thermal expansion behavior. We propose to measure phonon density of state of protonated ice (H2O)... -
Structures of phenol-ammonia and phenol-water compounds
Phenol-water and phenol-ammonia clusters are useful model systems for understanding the types of proton-transfer interactions that occur during photosynthesis in plants and... -
Exploration of the pressure-induced amorphization and glassy states of THF-cl...
Clathrate hydrates (CHs) are ice structures in which water molecules (host) form cages through hydrogen bonds. The cages can accommodate various types of molecules (guests),... -
Simultaneous Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy and Neutron Diffraction Measur...
Ammonia has been proposed as a high density chemical energy-storage media, which can be safely and reversible stored within low cost saline halides. Here we propose to extend... -
Hydrogen from ammonia using lithium imide metal nitride composites
Light metal amides and imides are a new class of highly active ammonia decomposition catalysts. Indeed, composites of lithium imide and transition metal nitrides are likely to...