EOSC Pillar Researcher Interviews (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. These interviews aimed at understanding researchers' data reuse behavior. Specifically, they focus on researchers' perspectives regarding the... -
EOSC Pillar Researcher Survey (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The survey aimed at understanding researchers' data reuse behavior and was carried out at selected universities in Austria, Belgium, France,... -
Image der Niederösterreichischen Landesverwaltung 2004
Thema: Zufriedenheit mit der Niederösterreichischen Landesverwaltung mit besonderem Fokus auf Internetauftritt Probability Interview -
Social Survey Austria 2016
This is open access data of the Austrian Social Survey 2016 and two modules of the ISSP. The Social Survey Austria (SSA) 2016 is a representative CAPI study that traces the... -
Social Survey Austria 2018 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the fifth wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions,... -
Replication Data for: "Digital Mobility“ and Data Quality. Consequences of no...
A paper and pencil questionnaire is usually filled out at the place of receipt. For a household survey, this is quite often the residential address of respondents. When... -
Social Survey Austria 2016 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The Social Survey Austria (SSA) 2016 is a representative CAPI study that traces the changes in the attitudes, values and living conditions of... -
Polarization in public opinion: Combining social surveys and big data analyse...
Full edition for scientific use. Our research aims to measure polarization in public opinion, combining two state-of-the-art approaches in measuring opinion - survey research... -
PUMA Survey 3.1. Insights in societal changes in Austria
Full edition for scientific use. PUMA Surveys consist of separate modules designed and prepared by different principle investigators. This PUMA Survey consists of three modules.... -
Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016 and Social Survey Austria 2016 combined (SUF e...
Full edition for scientific use. This data set is a combination of the Social Survey Austria (SSÖ) 2016 and the Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016 (AIS). The abstracts for the... -
RI:TRAIN Plus Quantitative Survey 2021 (SUF edition)
Reduced edition for scientific use. Research Infrastructures (RIs) and their services are an essential element in creating the potential for scientific progress in the European... -
EOSC Pillar "National Initiatives" Survey (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The EOSC-Pillar ”National Initiatives” Survey is a cross-section study in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. The survey aims at... -
Effects of news coverage on a victim's character during a crisis (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The research addresses the question how reporting of irrelevant information on a crisis victim’s bad character impacts on empathy towards the... -
Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016 and Social Survey Austria 2016 combined (SUF e...
Full edition for scientific use. This data set is a combination of the Social Survey Austria (SSÖ) 2016 and the Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016 (AIS). The abstracts for the... -
Enkätdata från enkät om cybersäkerhetsträning och användbarhet av säkerhetsfu...
This data set was acquired using a survey which intends to measure: • Participants previous experience of cybersecurity training • Participants perception of ideal... -
Kommunal informationsverksamhet 1979
The purpose of this survey was to illustrate the information activities of the Swedish municipalities during a period of increasing need for local information, due to the... -
Norrmalmstorgsdramats behandling i radio och TV - Jämförelser med TT och sven...
This investigation on the news coverage of the bank robbery drama at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, August 1973, was made on the request of the Radio Committee. The aim was to... -
Opinionsledares världsbild 1974
The research project 'Information strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia' was requested to evaluate an... -
TV:s utlandsrapportering 1975 - jämförelse radio och TT - TV:s utlandsrapport...
On the request of the 1974 Swedish Broadcasting Committee this study of the Swedish television´s international reporting was made during the autumn of 1975 and the spring of... -
U-landsinformation 1974
The research project 'Information strategies - analysis and evaluation of trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia' (Informationsstrategier -...