(Table 1) Chemical and isotopic compositions of pore fluids from ODP Site 169...
d6Li = {[(6Li/7Li)sample / (6Li/7Li)standard] - 1} x 1000, where 6Li/7Li ratio of the standard (L-SVEC Li2CO3) is 0.082757 +/- 0.000028. Repeat analyses of samples give external... -
(Table 1) Chemical and isotopic compositions of pore fluids from ODP Site 169...
d6Li = {[(6Li/7Li)sample / (6Li/7Li)standard] - 1} x 1000, where 6Li/7Li ratio of the standard (L-SVEC Li2CO3) is 0.082757 +/- 0.000028. Repeat analyses of samples give external... -
(Table 1) Chemical composition of sediments from DSDP Hole 21-204
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(Table 2) Major and trace element concentrations and Be isotope ratios for DS...
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(Table 1, Appendix A2) Bulk rock composition of ODP Hole 209-1274A peridotites
The mode of peridotites was calculated by a mass-balance equation relating bulk rock and mineral compositions in the CFMAS system -
(Table 1, Appendix A2) Bulk rock composition of ODP Hole 209-1272A peridotites
The primary modal composition of peridotites was estimated from hand sample and thin section observations -
(Table 2) Geochemical composition of variably altered peridotite from ODP Sit...
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(Table 2) Geochemical composition of variably altered peridotite from ODP Hol...
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(Table 2) Geochemical composition of variably altered peridotite from ODP Hol...
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(Table 2) Geochemical composition of variably altered peridotite from ODP Hol...
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(Table 2) Geochemical composition of variably altered peridotite from ODP Hol...
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(Table 5) Rare earth and trace element concentrations of amphibole from ODP H...
Rare earth element ratios are chondrite normalised, with chondrite values from Anders and Ebihara (1982) -
(Table 4) Trace element concentrations of glasses from ODP Site 180-1115
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(Table 4) Trace element concentrations of glasses from ODP Hole 180-1109C
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Geochemistry of C-horizon
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Geochemistry of core Orgon4-KS8
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Geochemistry of core SO42-36KL
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Amazonas soil chemistry - 64 elements
Motivated by previous largely absent high-quality soil chemical data, the samples were taken in parallel to repetitive soil respiration determinations at the same locations and... -
Sediment core and pore water data for HE586
Sediment cores and pore water cores were taken in the Skagerrak with a multicorer on cruise HE586 (October 2021). The sediment cores were sliced onboard into 1 cm slices and... -
Metal distribution and Sr and Pb stable isotope ratios for sediment samples o...
Offshore wind energy is a steadily growing sector contributing to the worldwide energy production. The impact of these offshore constructions on the marine environment, however,...