3,829 datasets found

Keywords: interstellar medium

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  • LSB galaxies in near-infrared. II.

    A total of 367 Low Surface Brightness galaxies detected in the 2MASS all-sky near-infrared survey have been observed in the 21 cm H I line using the Arecibo telescope. All have...
  • LSB galaxies in near-infrared. III.

    A total of 334 Low Surface Brightness galaxies detected in the 2MASS all-sky near-infrared survey have been observed in the 21 cm H I line using the Nancay telescope. All have a...
  • Coordinates of Galactic planetary nebulae

    The table is a compilation of the positions of 1312 Galactic Planetary Nebulae (PNe). We have used the 2nd generation of the Guide Star Catalogue (GSC-II, Cat. ) as a reference...
  • 17OH spin-rotation transition frequencies

    The frequencies and line strengths of the ^2^{Pi}3/2 J=5/2-3/2 rotational transition of ^17^OH have been calculated from an analysis of its far-infrared laser magnetic resonance...
  • Background galaxies in the WSRT wide-field Survey

    We have used the Westerbork array to carry out an unbiased wide-field survey for H I emission features, achieving an RMS sensitivity of about 18mJy/beam at a velocity resolution...
  • Unidentified infrared bands (UIR)

    We present a set of 6-12{mu}m ISOPHOT-S spectra of the general interstellar medium of the Milky Way. This part of the spectrum is dominated by a series of strong, wide emission...
  • Angular dimensions of 312 planetary nebulae

    We present the results of direct measurements done on H{alpha} (or H{alpha}+[NII]) images of 312 planetary nebulae. For each planetary nebulae deconvolved FWHM and resolution...
  • Optical spectrum of M 2-24

    We have obtained medium-resolution, deep optical long-slit spectra of the bulge planetary nebula (PN) M 2-24. The spectrum covers the wavelength range from 3610-7330{AA}. Over...
  • 6.7GHz methanol masers survey of low-mass YSO

    We report the results of a search for 6.7-GHz methanol masers toward low-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) and (pre)protostellar condensations with the Australia Telescope...
  • The SMC in the Far Infrared

    The ISOPHOT experiment onboard the ISO satellite generated a complete view of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) at 170{mu}m with 1.5arcmin resolution. The map is analysed using...
  • SOFI and ISOCAM observations of Cha II

    An infrared study including ISOCAM images at 6.75 and 14.3{mu}m of a large portion (28'x26') of the Chamaeleon II dark cloud and sub-arcsec resolution JHKs images of the central...
  • Merged catalogue of reflection nebulae

    Several catalogues of reflection nebulae are merged to create a uniform catalogue of 913 objects. It contains revised coordinates, cross-identifications of nebulae and stars, as...
  • Galactic HII regions

    The Master Catalog collects the information from 24 previously published lists and catalogs for 1442 Galactic HII regions. For each object, the Master Catalog quotes the...
  • OH 5-cm line survey in late-type stars

    We have undertaken a comprehensive search for 5-cm excited OH maser emission from evolved stars representative of various stages of late stellar evolution. Observed sources were...
  • 86GHz SiO maser survey of late-type stars

    We present 86GHz (v=1, J=2-1) SiO maser line observations with the IRAM 30-m telescope of a sample of 444 late-type stars in the Inner Galaxy (-4{deg}<l<+30{deg}). These...
  • IR survey of outflows in Orion A

    We have made an unbiased imaging survey of a 1.2 square degree area in the Orion A giant molecular cloud searching for molecular hydrogen emission line features seen in the...
  • A search for Compact High-Velocity Clouds

    An automated search is applied to the Leiden/Dwingeloo HI Survey (LDS) for high-velocity clouds north of Dec.=-28{deg}. From the general catalog we extract a sample of...
  • Catalogue of dust clouds in the Galaxy

    The file cdn.dat is an unified dust cloud catalogue of the Galaxy. Considering an initial list of approximately 6500 entries we condensed them into a cross-identified all-sky...
  • HST photometry of stars in N160A

    Using high-resolution imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope, we study the Large Magellanic Cloud 2 region N160A and uncover several striking features of this complex massive...
  • Candidate Planetary Nebulae in M81

    File table1.dat contains the identification number, the coordinates (2000), the [OIII]5007 and the H{alpha}+[NII] flux of the candidate PNe detected in Messier 81, using the...
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