64 Virgo galaxies radial surface brightness
Low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSBs) contribute to a significant fraction of all the galaxies in the Universe. Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) form a subclass of LSBs that has... -
12 strong galactic bars CO spectra
While some galactic bars show recent massive star formation (SF) along them, some others present a lack of it. Whether bars with low level of SF are a consequence of low star... -
Halpha images of stellar bars in galaxies
Stellar bars are known to gradually funnel gas to the central parts of disk galaxies. It remains a matter of debate why the distribution of ionized gas along bars and in the... -
GRB 111209A GROND and UVOT light curves
Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are simple in the most basic model, but can show many complex features. The ultra-long duration GRB 111209A, one of the longest GRBs ever... -
UV structure of 11 galaxies with Swift-UVOT
GALEX detected a significant fraction of early-type galaxies, in particular S0s, showing Far-UV bright structures, sometimes involving an entire galaxy out to its outskirts.... -
Nearby radio galaxies FUV to MIR properties
We investigate whether the far-UV continuum of nearby radio galaxies is due solely to the parent galaxy that passively evolves, or if it reveals evidence for the presence of... -
Young stellar object candidates toward Orion
We analyze 359 ultraviolet tiles from the All Sky Imaging Survey of the space mission GALEX covering roughly 400 square degrees toward the Orion star-forming region. There are a... -
GRB 100814A GROND and UVOT light curves
In the past few years the number of well-sampled optical to near-infrared (NIR) light curves of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) has greatly increased, particularly due to... -
The IUE Absolute Flux Scale
Tables tablea1 to tablea6 show the absolute fluxes of the IUE standard stars used for the derivation of the cameras Inverse Sensitivity Curves for the IUE Final Archive. The... -
Interstellar extinction curves
The data are a decomposition of the extinction curves published by Aiello S., Barsella B., Chlewicki G., Greenberg J.M., Patriarchi P., and Perinotto M.... -
Catalog of Eq.Widths of Interstellar 217nm Band
(from CDS Inf. Bull. 40, 31) The main task of the catalogue consists in a comprehensive collection of equivalent widths of the 217nm band derived from both spectrophotometric... -
ANS UV Catalogue of Point Sources
This catalog is a result of the observations made with the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS) which operated between October 1974 and April 1976. The ANS satellite... -
Intrinsic Colours of Stars in the Ultraviolet
The catalog contains intrinsic ultraviolet colors for normal stars between O6.5V and K3III. These have been derived from the absolute ultraviolet fluxes obtained by the S2/68... -
UV Bright-Star Spectrophotometric Supplement
This catalogue is a supplement of the Ultraviolet Bright Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (=III/39A). It contains observations carried out by the S2/68 Ultraviolet Sky Survey... -
OAO2 filter Photometry of 531 stars
The catalog contains the ultraviolet photometry of 531 stars observed with the Wisconsin Experiment Package aboard the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO-2). The data were... -
Celescope Catalogue of UV magnitudes
This catalog contains the observational results obtained by the Celescope Experiment during the first 16 months of operation of NASA's Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (OAO-2).... -
Catalogue of stellar UV fluxes (TD1)
(no description available) Cone search capability for table II/59B/catalog (The Catalog of Stellar UV Fluxes) -
Spitzer Data Fusion main catalogue
We present the Spitzer Data Fusion, a database incorporating far-ultraviolet to far-infrared flux measurements as well as photometric and spectroscopic redshifts for 4.4 million... -
Swift/UVOT Serendipitous Source Catalog
The first version of the Swift UVOT serendipitous source catalogue (UVOTSSC) provides positions and magnitudes, as well as errors and upper limits of confirmed sources for... -
Revised catalog of GALEX UV sources (GUVcat_AIS GR6+7)
The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) imaged the sky in two ultraviolet (UV) bands, far-UV (FUV, {lambda}eff~1528{AA}), and near-UV (NUV, {lambda}eff~2310{AA}), delivering the...