347 datasets found

Keywords: spectroscopic binary stars

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  • Intrinsic frequencies of slowly pulsating B stars

    We present the results of detailed frequency analyses of a sample of thirteen confirmed slowly pulsating B stars. Our analysis is based on a combination of elaborate photometric...
  • The CORALIE survey for extrasolar planets. IX.

    Table 1 contains the CORALIE radial-velocity measurements for the stellar system HD41004. CORALIE is a fiber-fed echelle spectrograph designed for high-precision radial-velocity...
  • Spectroscopic study of sigma Geminorum from IUE

    The IUE spectra of {sigma} Gem have been taken from the NASA IUE archive using IDL (Interactive Data Language). The spectra have been observed in 1979-1986 period. All the...
  • The CORALIE survey for extrasolar planets VIII

    Doppler CORALIE measurements of the solar-type stars HD 141937, HD 162020, HD 168443 and HD 202206 show Keplerian radial-velocity variations revealing the presence of 4 new...
  • UBV photometry of V832 Cyg

    An analysis of numerous homogenized UBV photoelectric observations and red spectra of the Be star from several observatories is presented.
  • Spectroscopic sub-systems in multiple stars

    A large sample of visual multiples of spectral types F5-M has been surveyed for the presence of spectroscopic sub-systems. In table 1 we provide basic identifiers for the...
  • Radial velocities of UX Ari

    All radial velocities of the two components of UX Ari (RV_1_ referring to the cooler primary, RV_2_ to the hotter secondary) as measured or taken from the literature together...
  • Radial velocity variations of EN Lac

    An analysis of 1236 new electronic spectra of the eclipsing binary EN Lac from four observatories and of 994 radial velocities (RV hereafter) from photographic spectra,...
  • The CORALIE survey for extrasolar planets II

    Here we list the CORALIE radial-velocity measurements for HD 75289 and HD 130322. CORALIE is a fiber-fed echelle spectrograph designed for high-precision radial-velocity...
  • EZ CMa spectroscopy

    The table contains the window averaged flux (WAF) in two windows located at the P Cyg absorption component of the NV 4604/4620 doublet and the kurtosis of the HeII 4540 and HeII...
  • The trapezium system BD+00 1617

    Internal kinematics, spectroscopic binaries and galactic motion are investigated for the trapezium system BD+00 1617 (which lies at the heart of the young open cluster Bochum 2)...
  • V1046 Ori uvby photometry and radial velocities

    We report on a detailed spectroscopic and photometric study of V1046 Orionis undertaken to resolve uncertainties about the period(s) and causes of the spectroscopic and...
  • II Peg radial velocities

    A detailed model atmosphere analysis of high-resolution and high S/N CCD spectra of IIPeg has yielded for the first time a self-consistent set of fundamental parameters of the...
  • D-type symbiotic stars emission line fluxes

    Observations of five D-type symbiotics are presented: three oxygen Mira (He2-38, H2-38 and H1-36) and two carbon Mira symbiotics (AS 210 and SS 38). The observations in the...
  • Spectroscopic data of 4 Herculis

    A collection of spectroscopic data of 4 Her at our disposal (RV and spectrophotometric measurements) consist of spectra obtained at the Ondrejov and Haute Provence...
  • UBV photometry of V360 Lac

    An analysis of an extensive collection of photometric and spectroscopic observations of the little studied bright Be star V360 Lac lead to the following main conclusions: (1)...
  • Eclipsing binaries with candidate CP stars

    Photometry in the Geneva systems and radial velocities are used to determine the fundamental parameters of three eclipsing binaries, two of which having been classified as...
  • V436 Persei = 1 Persei byBV photometry

    Outline of a project aimed at testing the presence of rapid line-profile variations in the atmospheres of hot components of close binaries is presented and its first results are...
  • Radial velocities of 10 spectroscopic binaries

    We present new orbits for ten (single-lined) spectroscopic binaries in seven open clusters: NGC 2489, 2567, 3033, 5822, 6134, 6664 and IC 2488 based on 243 individual radial...
  • Binarity among B-stars in NGC 6231

    We have measured radial velocities for 53 B-type stars, between B1 and B9, in the young open cluster NGC 6231 through a cross-correlation technique with synthetic spectra. Two...
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