Spin wave investigation of Ba2MnWO6 and Ba2MnTeO6
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This is a joint ISIS/DLS proposal Quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) and SR-Infrared microspectroscopy (SR-IRMS) are coupled to probe the impact of a Pd(II) anticancer... -
Phase Separation in NaTaO3. Can it be controlled by pressure?
The present proposal seeks to establish the pressure dependence of the Pbnm-Cmcm transition in NaTaO3 and some doped variants thereof. It aims to understand the understand the... -
Lyso Cooling Ref
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Neutron scattering and muSR studies of magnetic phenomena in YFe2Al10: case s...
In strongly correlated electron systems, the proximity to magnetic ordering has been of special interest. Magnetism in this class of systems is often suppressed by the Kondo... -
Disrupting structural correlations in the Na-Ca-NH3 system
Na or Ca, when dissolved in ammonia, yield metallic liquids. These liquids are fully miscible and yet each possesses a different intermediate-range order depending on the parent... -
Dynamics of PDMS-g-PDMS bottlebrush polymers
Bottlebrush polymers, backbone with long side chains, are very interesting regarding their architecture, which is different from well known linear polymers. Not only the... -
Dy3Mg2Sb3O14 - a 2D Kagome lattice with Classical Ising Spins
Dy3Mg2Sb3O14 forms a layered structure with magnetic Dy3+ ions forming sheets of corner sharing triangles, called a Kagome lattice. The Ising magnetic moments are constrained to... -
Magnetism, structure and superconductivity in Sr1¿xNaxFe2As2 (OSIRIS)
We will use the high resolution of HRPD and the excellent long d-spacing data available on OSIRIS to investigate the phase transitions in Sr1-xNaxFe2As2 which are associated... -
Crystal Field Excitations and phonon density of state in Ferromagnetic Superc...
Recently some of us studied the presence of superconductivity (SC) under hydrostatic pressure (0?2.5 GPa) in Sr0.5RE0.5FBiS2 with R = Ce, Pr, Nd, and Sm (crystallized in... -
Chemical control of structures and magnetic ordering of manganese oxide chalc...
We will probe the response of the magnetic and crystal structures of layered manganese oxide chalcogenides to the oxidation state and the local coordination environment of Mn.... -
Investigating the diffusion of cyclic oximes in hierarchically-porous catalys...
Caprolactam (CL) is a high-value chemical precursor to nylon-6. On an industrial scale an aggressive liquid-acid catalyst is used to transform C6-oxime to CL. Due to... -
Simultaneous INS and Raman Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Bonded Single Component O...
In this proposal I plan to investigate two similar types of single component ferroelectrics, CBDC and PhMDA, using simultaneous INS and Raman spectroscopy to understand the... -
Exploring the Magnetic Behaviour of New S = 1/2 Vanadium Oxyfluoride Kagome A...
Quantum spin liquid (QSL) states emerge when the arrangement of magnetic moments in a material frustrates magnetic interactions and low spin magnetic moments allow for strong... -
Magnetic excitations in the S=1/2 ferromagnetic semiconductor Lu2V2O7
Lu2V2O7 is a rare example of an S=1/2 pyrochlore. The fact that it is a ferromagnet with Tc=70 K belies the fact that it has some truly remarkable properties. These include the... -
diffuse scattering in PMN-PT crystals
Complex mixed-ion pervoskites, ferroelectric material (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3, attract plenty of applications due to high piezoelectric response. The difficulties result... -
Magnetic ground state of the candidate quantum ice material Pr2Sn2O7
Quantum spin ice is a novel form of matter in which the spins remain dynamic even at absolute zero due to quantum fluctuations. The requirements on the single-ion wavefunction... -
Probing the electronic structure of uranium(IV) compounds by Inelastic Neutro...
An understanding of the electronic structure of the actinide elements is one of the most intriguing and complex topics in contemporary chemistry. In particular the magnetic... -
Amorphous Micrometre-Sized Water Ice Particles for Planetary Science Experime...
We request 5 days on NIMROD to characterise the pressure and temperature dependent properties of amorphous icy particles generated in liquid ethane, as they will be used in... -
Is Zeolite Deactivation Through Pore Blocking?
Zeolites are porous framework materials that have active catalytic sites inside narrow channels. Unwanted reactions create coke in the pores which may block access to the active...