5,142 datasets found

Keywords: Political behaviour and attitudes

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  • ZUMABUS 7 (1984)

    The ZUMABUS contains three main survey focus areas: 1. Questions on parliamentarianism 2. German version of the SLFS scales (Social Life Feeling Scales) 3. ZUMA standard...
  • ZUMABUS 8 (1985)

    Questions on playing habits with gambling machines. 2. Questions on the situation in the job market. 3. Questions on large-scale technology. 4. ZUMA standard demography....
  • ALLBUS/GGSS 1984 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften/Ge...

    ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor...
  • State Election in Bremen 1983

    Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the metropolitan council election in Bremen. Topics: personal intent to participate in the election or absentee ballot;...
  • State Election in Hesse 1983

    Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the state parliament election in Hesse. Topics: personal intent to participate in the election or absentee ballot; personal...
  • State Election in Baden-Wuerttemberg 1984

    Judgement on parties and politicians shortly before the state parliament election in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Topics: personal intent to participate in the election or absentee...
  • Attitudes on Current Questions of Domestic Policy (1984)

    Attitudes to questions of domestic policy. Topics: satisfaction with democracy in the Federal Republic; behavior at the polls in the Federal Parliament election 1983; current...
  • Before the European Election 1984

    Attitude to European questions and judgement on parties as well as politicians before the European Election. Topics: right people as leaders of the Federal Republic; party...
  • Significance and Prerequisite for the Feeling of Political Effectiveness

    Political attitudes and feeling of political effectiveness among members of the Federal German Armed Forces, those performing community service in lieu of the military and...
  • Social Problems and Protest Behavior

    Attitude of nuclear power opponents to atomic energy and the anti-nuclear power movement. Judgement on the utility of anti-nuclear power protest and evaluation of personal...
  • Dialogs 1 (The Citizen as Partner)

    Importance of social-political objectives, need for information and media behavior of the population. Topics: Sense of well-being in the Federal Republic; preferred state to...
  • Kiel Election Study 1976

    Political attitudes and judgement on parties as well as politicians. Topics: The content of this data set is the summary of ZA Study Nos. 1391-1396. Politische Einstellungen...
  • Kiel Election Study 1980

    Political attitudes and judgement on parties as well as politicians. Topics: Political interest; most important political tasks in the Federal Republic and issue ability of the...
  • Kiel Election Study 1983

    Political attitudes and judgement on parties as well as politicians. Topics: political interest; most important political tasks in the Federal Republic and issue competence of...
  • High School Graduates in Schleswig-Holstein 1981

    Political knowledge and political interest of high school graduates in Schleswig-Holstein. Topics: interest in political and economic topics; media usage to obtain information...
  • International Workbook: Political Participation (Australia)

    Exercise sub-dataset for the Workbook ´Political Participation´. Topics: self-assessment of social class; social origins; party identification; political interest; interest in...
  • International Workbook: Political Participation (Canada)

    Exercise sub-dataset for the Workbook ´Political Participation´. Topics: self-assessment of social class; unemployment in the last year; opportunities to influence government...
  • International Workbook: Political Participation (Germany)

    Exercise sub-dataset for the Workbook ´Political Participation´. Topics: personal opportunities to influence the government; political interest; following the election...
  • Federal Survey 1978

    Judgement on parties and politicians in the course of time. Topics: summarized data set of the three-wave trend survey. The contents of the individual surveys are described in...
  • Federal Survey 1978 (1st Wave, March 1978)

    Judgement on parties and politicians. Topics: political interest; most important political tasks in the Federal Republic and issue ability of the parties and politicians;...
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