326 datasets found

Keywords: stellar radii

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  • Photometric study of fourteen low-mass binaries

    New CCD photometric observations of fourteen short-period low-mass eclipsing binaries (LMBs) in the photometric filters I, R, and V were used for a light curve analysis. A...
  • Fundamental parameters of Tycho-2 & TGAS stars

    We present bolometric fluxes and angular diameters for over 1.6 million stars in the Tycho-2 catalog (I/259), determined using previously determined empirical color-temperature...
  • Properties of transiting planet's host stars

    The properties of a transiting planet's host star are written in its transit light curve. The light curve can reveal the stellar density ({rho}__) and the limb-darkening profile...
  • K2 planetary systems orbiting low-mass stars

    We recently used near-infrared spectroscopy to improve the characterization of 76 low-mass stars around which K2 had detected 79 candidate transiting planets. 29 of these worlds...
  • IR properties of stellar bowshock nebulae

    Arcuate infrared nebulae are ubiquitous throughout the Galactic Plane and are candidates for partial shells, bubbles, or bowshocks produced by massive runaway stars. We tabulate...
  • Multiplicity of RV exoplanet host stars

    Given the frequency of stellar multiplicity in the solar neighborhood, it is important to study the impacts this can have on exoplanet properties and orbital dynamics. There...
  • California-Kepler Survey (CKS). II. Properties

    We present stellar and planetary properties for 1305 Kepler Objects of Interest hosting 2025 planet candidates observed as part of the California-Kepler Survey. We combine...
  • Parameters of 529 Kepler eclipsing binaries

    We present precise values of the eccentricity and periastron angle of 529 detached, eccentric, eclipsing stars from the Kepler Eclipsing Binary catalog that were determined by...
  • Near-infrared observations of 84 KOI systems

    We determine probabilities of physical association for stars in blended Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs), and find that 14.5%-3.4%^+3.8%^ of companions within ~4'' are...
  • Star-forming potential in the Perseus complex

    We present the results of our investigation of the star-forming potential in the Perseus star-forming complex. We build on previous starless core, protostellar core, and young...
  • Calibrator stars catalog for interferometers

    Benchmark stars with known angular diameters are key to calibrating interferometric observations. With the advent of optical interferometry, there is a need for suitably bright,...
  • Planets and their host stars with Gaia parallaxes

    We present empirical measurements of the radii of 116 stars that host transiting planets. These radii are determined using only direct observables - the bolometric flux at...
  • VLT/SINFONI observations of MIPSGAL "bubbles"

    We present Very Large Telescope/Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared H- and K-band spectra of potential central stars within the inner 8"-by-8"...
  • Pleiades members stellar properties

    Precise measurements of eclipsing binary parameters and statistical studies of young clusters have suggested that some magnetically active low-mass dwarfs possess radii inflated...
  • Pan-Pacific Planet Search (PPPS). V. 164 stars

    We present spectroscopic stellar parameters for the complete target list of 164 evolved stars from the Pan-Pacific Planet Search, a five-year radial velocity campaign using the...
  • Pleiades members with K2 light curves. III.

    We use high-quality K2 light curves for hundreds of stars in the Pleiades to better understand the angular momentum evolution and magnetic dynamos of young low-mass stars. The...
  • Kepler-80 transit timing observations

    Kepler has discovered hundreds of systems with multiple transiting exoplanets which hold tremendous potential both individually and collectively for understanding the formation...
  • Catalog of Earth-Like Exoplanet Survey Targets

    Locating planets in circumstellar habitable zones (HZs) is a priority for many exoplanet surveys. Space-based and ground-based surveys alike require robust toolsets to aid in...
  • Parameters of galactic nearby main-sequence stars

    The mass-luminosity (M-L), mass-radius (M-R), and mass-effective temperature (M-T_eff_) diagrams for a subset of galactic nearby main-sequence stars with masses and radii...
  • Analysis of hot Jupiters in Kepler Q2

    In this paper, we present the results of searching the Kepler Q2 public data set for the secondary eclipses of 76 hot Jupiter planet candidates from the list of 1235 candidates...
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