NIR spectra of SN 2014C 1-5yr post-explosion
Supernova (SN) 2014C is unique: a seemingly typical hydrogen-poor SN that started to interact with a dense, hydrogen-rich circumstellar medium (CSM) ~100 days post-explosion.... -
UV-Opt light curves of the type Ic SN 2018gep
We present detailed observations of ZTF18abukavn (SN2018gep), discovered in high-cadence data from the Zwicky Transient Facility as a rapidly rising (1.4+/-0.1mag/hr) and... -
Most luminous SPIRITS IR transients follow-up obs.
We present a systematic study of the most luminous (MIR [Vega magnitudes] brighter than -14) infrared (IR) transients discovered by the SPitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients... -
SNe IIP progenitors. I. LMC giant comparison sample
We present the evolution of massive star progenitors of supernovae of type IIP. We take the example of the nearby and well-studied SN2013ej. We explore how convective overshoot... -
Optical photometry of type Ia SN 2014J
We present extensive ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) photometry of the highly reddened, very nearby SN Ia 2014J in M82, covering the phases from 9 days before to... -
CfA, CSP, BSP and LOSS spec. & phot. of SNe Ia
SNe Ia play key roles in revealing the accelerating expansion of the universe, but our knowledge of their progenitors is still very limited. Here we report the discovery of a... -
9 epochs spectroscopy of type I supernova SN 201iet
We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of SN2016iet (=Gaia16bvd=PS17brq), an unprecedented Type I supernova (SNI) at z=0.0676 with no obvious analog in the existing... -
BVI photometry of the TypeII SN KSP-SN-2016kf
We present the discovery and the photometric and spectroscopic study of H-rich Type II supernova (SN) KSP-SN-2016kf (SN2017it) observed in the KMTNet Supernova Program in the... -
The first 3yrs of DES-SN (DES-SN3YR)
We present the analysis underpinning the measurement of cosmological parameters from 207 spectroscopically classified SNe Ia from the first 3 years of the Dark Energy Survey... -
NUV to NIR photometry of type IIP ASASSN-16at
We report distinctly double-peaked H{alpha} and H{beta} emission lines in the late-time, nebular-phase spectra (>~200 days) of the otherwise normal at early phases (<~100... -
Follow-up obs. of the type IIn SN KISS15s
We report the discovery of an SN 1988Z-like type IIn supernova KISS15s found in a low-mass star-forming galaxy at redshift z=0.038 during the course of the Kiso Supernova Survey... -
BVI photometric catalog of star clusters in NGC4589
NGC4589, a bright E2 merger-remnant galaxy, hosts the peculiar fast and faint calcium-rich supernova SNIb SN2005cz. The progenitor of Ca-rich SNeIb has been controversial: it... -
K2 observations of type Ia supernova SN 2018oh
We present an exquisite 30minute cadence Kepler (K2) light curve of the Type Ia supernova (SNIa) 2018oh All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASASSN-18bt), starting weeks... -
PUSH CCSN to explosions in spherical symmetry. III.
In a previously presented proof-of-principle study, we established a parameterized spherically symmetric explosion method (PUSH) that can reproduce many features of... -
K2 light curve alternative analysis of ASASSN-18bt
On 2018 February 4.41, the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN) discovered ASASSN-18bt in the K2 Campaign 16 field. With a redshift of z=0.01098 and a peak apparent... -
PUSH CCSN to explosions in spherical symmetry. II.
In a previously presented proof-of-principle study, we established a parameterized spherically symmetric explosion method (PUSH) that can reproduce many features of... -
Updated calibration of the CSP-I SNe Ia sample
We present an analysis of the final data release of the Carnegie Supernova Project I (CSP-I; Krisciunas+ 2017, J/AJ/154/211), focusing on the absolute calibration of the... -
Improved empirical models for Type Ia SNe
SN Ia cosmology depends on the ability to fit and standardize observations of supernova magnitudes with an empirical model. We present here a series of new models of SN Ia... -
Stellar masses and rest-frame u-g colors of SNIa
Recent analyses suggest that distance residuals measured from Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are correlated with local host galaxy properties within a few kiloparsecs of the SN... -
SN 2017eaw NIR spectroscopy
The origin of dust in the early universe has been the subject of considerable debate. Core-collapse supernovae (ccSNe), which occur several million years after their massive...