Studies of the Strongly Correlated Metal Yb4LiGe4
The intermetallic family R5T4 (R = rare earth, T = Si or Ge) exhibit a wide range of magnetic phenomena (eg., magnetic order, GMR, and enhanced magnetocaloric effect) which are... -
Validating a new theoretical method for predicting the HFC of small molecular...
ALC is the best technique to characterize muoniated radicals, that are produced by muonium bonding to unsaturated bonds in molecules. Good agreement between data from ALC and... -
Muonium in BeO
BeO is a promising material in order to improve HfO2-based MOSFET devices, and a candidate substitute of HfO2 as high-k gate material. The electrical properties of BeO can be... -
Magnetic Ground State of a New Honeycomb Iridate
A new layered iridate material, Cu2IrO3, has been fabricated. This material is isostructural with the much-studied Na2IrO3 and has a nearly ideal honeycomb structure that should... -
Magnetic ordering and correlation phenomena in the rare-earth RT2Al10 compounds
RT2Al10 is a new series of rare-earth-based ternary aluminide compounds that show a variety of magnetic phenomena. This proposal is for a muSR study on three of its members to... -
Repolarization of Radicals in Liquids
The recovery of the muon polarization in a longitudinal magnetic field has been used to obtain the muon hfcs of organic radicals. In pure benzene there is a single step in the... -
MuSR Study of Magnetically Frustrated Lu2Mo2(O,N)7 pyrochlores
The combination of magnetic frustration and low magnetic moment leads to non-classical magnetic behaviour such as spin liquid states. We have prepared polycrystalline samples of... -
Muon Spin Relaxation and ALC Resonance in Magnetic and non-Magnetic Oxalate S...
Repolarisation and level crossing resonance will be studied for several different oxalate compounds where muon radical states are known to be formed. Such compounds form a... -
Probing spin-fluctuations in the ordered phase of (Nd1-xCax)2Ir2O7 by means o...
Nd2Ir2O7 stands out as a fascinating system among pyrochlore iridates because of its potential for realizing a new topological semimetal state which its emergence strongly... -
Mechanical disorder-induced quantum spin liquid in a two-dimensional triangul...
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) state is one of the possible outcomes of quantum fluctuations advancing magnetic systems into a disordered phase. After more than 30 years of quest... -
Probing re-entrant glassy state in spin chain compound Sm2BaNiO5 using µ-SR s...
We are currently investigating Haldane spin-chain compounds [PRB 2017] of the type R2BaNiO5 (R = rare earth) using bulk measurements and have found the multifunctional... -
Possible muon diffusion in frustrated magnets
Recent investigations into spin ice suggest excitations that behave like magnetic monopoles, this has included a transverse field muon experiment. When zero field muon... -
Searching for magnetic ordering and spin-gapped behavior in the first S = 1 ¿...
We propose to explore the spin dynamics in LiNiVO4, a system which we believe is a previously unobserved realization of a random distribution of 1D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg... -
Fluctuating stripes in an insulating hole-doped antiferromagnet
In a recent letter to Nature, Boothroyd and coworkers have shown that the well known hour-glass spectrum, previously observed in some cuprate materials, occurs in a hole doped... -
Spin Dynamics in Organic-Inorganie Hybrid Systems
The organic-inorganic hybrid systems consist of organic and inorganic components forming a 2 D layered structure. The distance between adjacent magnetic layers is quite far,... -
Spin fluctuations in heavy fermion system
A study of the ground state of the Ce5Rh4Sn10 is proposed. Compound belongs to the heavy fermion system with two magnetic phase transitions at 1.4 K and 4.3 K. While the... -
Geometrical frustration induced magnetism in single crystal of CeIrSn: A Muon...
The quasi-kagome Kondo lattice CeRhSn exhibits quantum criticality induced by geometrical frustration. Divergent Grüneisen ratios provide evidence for a zero-field QCP. The... -
Investigating the Persistence of the Valence Bond Glass State in Ba2-xSrxLuMoO6
As part of a project to develop new electronic materials based on the coupling of electronic and structural properties in new perovskites we have been investigating the... -
Quantum spin liquid ground state in the Co-based triangular antiferromagnet N...
A triangular lattice occupies a special position in the quantum spin-liquid (QSL) physics. Although the triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet is known to evade a QSL,... -
Investigation of lithium diffusion in spinel Li2NiGe3O8 and N-doped Li3+xV4-x...
We wish to perform muon spectroscopic experiments on materials from two ceramic systems that are of interest for possible solid electrolyte applications in lithium-ion battery...