Physical properties of Hole 63-472A
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Physical properties of Hole 63-472
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Physical properties of Hole 63-471
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Physical properties of Hole 63-470A
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Physical properties of Hole 63-469
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Physical properties of Hole 63-468B
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Physical properties of Hole 63-468
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Physical properties of Hole 63-467
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(Table 1) Electron microprobe analyses of volcanic glass of some tephra layer...
Values are recalculated to 100% on a fluide-free basis. Original oxide totals before recalculation are given to indicate approximate degree of hydration of volcanic glass. -
(Table 1) Sediment descriptions and age at DSDP Legs 5 and 63 Holes
Sediments from immediately above basalt basement and from between sections of basalt recovered from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 5 and 63 were analyzed by atomic absorption... -
(Table 4) Geochemistry and minerals of diabase at DSDP Holes 63-469 and 63-471
The norms were calculated after Fe2O3 was reduced to FeO so as to have Fe2O3/FeO = 0.25. -
(Table 9) Geochemistry of basalt glasses at DSDP Leg 63 Holes
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(Table 6) Major element compositions and norms of basalts at DSDP Leg 63 Holes
The norms were calculated after Fe2O3 was reduced to FeO so as to have Fe2O3/FeO = 0.25. -
(Table 3) Inferred sources of lipids and kerogen of DSDP Leg 63 Holes samples...
inidicates the dominant source of two. -
(Table 2) Approximate concentrations of some molecular markers of sediments f...
Based on dry sediment weight, empty cells mean no data. -
(Table 1) Sample descriptions, carbon analyses, and analytical results for th...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Empty cells mean no data. -
(Table 5) Normalized average 14eV mass spectra of metalloporphyrin assemblage...
NiD, CuD refers to nickel or copper chelate of DPEP-series; NiE, CuE refers to nickel or copper chelate of ETIO-series; NiDiD refers to di-DPEP type porphyrin or alternately a... -
(Table 3) Normalized average 14eV mass spectra of free-base porphyrins isolat...
Carbon Number [(m/z DPEP)/(m/z ETIO)] - Normalized spectra, highest ion abundance taken as 100.0, determined at 14eV. -
(Table 2) Tetrapyrrole pigments isolated from DSDP Holes 63-467 and 63-471
= values in parantheses. -
(Table 1) Sample description and tetrapyrrole pigment yields for DSDP holes 6...
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