National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora April 2017, Improving Environme...
Mesozooplankton data: species composition, abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg/m3) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Fucus virsoides distribution in 1992-1993. Gulf of Trieste, North Adriatic
Distribution of the brown algae Fucus virsoides J.Agardh, 1868 in the Gulf of Trieste, North Adriatic Sea from a survey carried out in Autumn 1992. -
Tauchen und Meer 02
This dataset holds the observations recorded during the GEO Biodiversity Day "Tauchen und Meer 02". -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Mesozooplankton data: species composition, abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg/m3) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Meiobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m2), biomass (mg/m2) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora April 2017, Improving Environme...
Microzooplankton data: species composition, abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg/m3) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Data on cetacean occurrence collected during the project "EMBLAS-Plus, Improv...
The dataset contains information collected within the EMBLAS-Plus Project on the occurrence of the cetaceans in the north-western part of the Black Sea including photo... -
Plankton Production season off Portuguese coast from 1986 to 1987
Plankton Production season off Portuguese coast from 1986 to 1987 -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora July 2017, Improving Environmen...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora July 2017, Improving Environmen...
Microzooplankton data: species composition, abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg/m3) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies August 2017, Improving Environmental Monito...
Microzooplankton data: species composition, abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg/m3) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
PANGAEA - Data from Ocean margin exchange project (OMEX I)
Data of physical, chemical and biological measurements collected along the northwest European shelf break. -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2016, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Phytoplankton data: species composition, volume of the cell [µm3], abundance [*1000cells/l], biomass (mg/m3) and Carbon biomass collected during the survey of the National Pilot...