Motivation des élèves fréquentant la filière maturité professionnelle post-ap...
Compared with the very large amount of work on student motivation, there is very little research on motivation for study and work for apprentices. And yet, the growing number of... -
Gedächtnisleistungen von Studierenden in Abhängigkeit des Behaltensintervalls...
Prospektives Gedächtnis bezeichnet die Fähigkeit, sich selbst-initiiert zur richtigen Zeit an eine zuvor gefasste Absicht oder eine geplante Handlung zu erinnern. Im Alltag ist... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Befragung über die Integration in die Arbeitsgesellschaft bei zunehmender Fle...
Existing research on the relationship between work and identity under conditions of increasing work flexibility has provided equivocal results on the threats and challenges for... -
Cocon: Kohorte 1: Befragung zu Lebensverhältnissen, Lebenserfahrungen und psy...
The representative and interdisciplinary longitudinal study COCON (acronym for "Competence and Context“), supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, examines the... -
Cocon: Kohorte 2: Befragung zu Lebensverhältnissen, Lebenserfahrungen und psy...
The representative and interdisciplinary longitudinal study COCON (acronym for "Competence and Context“), supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, examines the... -
Cocon: Kohorte 3: Befragung zu Lebensverhältnissen, Lebenserfahrungen und psy...
The representative and interdisciplinary longitudinal study COCON (acronym for "Competence and Context“), supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, examines the... -
LOLYS Waves 1-4 (2012-2015)
This study is the data collection across 4 waves of the LOLYS (Longitudinal Lausanne Youth Study) at the University of Lausanne. The general aim of LOLYS is to assess... -
Non Response Surveys (NRS): ESS 2006, ESS 2010, ESS 2012, ESS 2014, EVS 2008 ...
This study provides information on the Non Response Surveys (NRS) executed after the main questionnaires of several international questionnaires conducted in Switzerland between... -
Befragung von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 20 Jahren in den Kantonen Bern, Aa...
Building and changing one's identity is a central task of all people. This task becomes particularly relevant in adolescence. Young people want to know who they are, what they... -
Enquête Parcours Professionnels - Vague 1 2012
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Enquête Parcours Professionnels - Vague 2 2013
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
Enquête Parcours Professionnels - Vague 3 2014
The aim of this project is to systematically study the direct and moderating impacts of cultural background, individual characteristics such as personality, motivation, or... -
International colour-emotion survey data from Switzerland (CH)
In 2015, we launched the data collection on our international colour-emotion association survey. The data is collected online... -
Experiment 1 of the ambiguous Dress illusion
In 2015, an ambiguous picture of a Dress triggered popular and scientific interest as different people perceive it having widely different colours. To help understand this... -
Experiment 2 of the ambiguous Dress illusion
In 2015, an ambiguous picture of a Dress triggered popular and scientific interest as different people perceive it having widely different colours. To help understand this...