CLIWOC - Climatological Database for the World's Oceans 1750-1850 (release 1.5)
The principal objective of the CLIWOC project was to realise the scientific potential of logbook climatic data and to produce a database of daily weather observations for the... -
Automobilisme 1971
Opinions regarding the use of a private car / own car versus public transport / attitude towards the car / the road system / parking problems / attitude towards road-tax / the... -
Traffic, transportation and road safety : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 2, 1984 - LVO
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the second wave of the... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 7, 1987 - LVO
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the seventh wave of the... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 9, 1988 - LVO
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the ninth wave of the... -
Toepassing tol bij de Kiltunnel 1990-1991
The survey was held in order to study the effects of toll collection in the central part of the Netherlands (Randstad). Especially on making detours in order to avoid paying... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 8 1987
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the eight wave of the... -
Image onderzoek Veilig Verkeer Nederland 1973-1974
Acquaintance with institutions and organizations for road safety, with aims of 'Veilig Verkeer Nederland ', 'ANWB', action group 'Stop de kindermoord ' ( stop child-murder ) /... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 6, 1986 - LVO
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the sixth wave of the... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 10, 1989 - LVO
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the tenth wave of the... -
Verplaatsingsgedrag en verplaatsingsbehoefte bij gehandicapten 1979
Mobility of handicapped people who cannot make use of public transport on their own. Actual transport behaviour / means, purpose, length, costs, destination of moving /... -
Rij- en drinkgewoonten 1970-1975
Driving habits / drinking habits / purpose and route of trip / car and passengers / knowledge of law / measurement of alcohol consumption / opinions on use of alcohol and... -
Longitudinaal Verplaatsingsonderzoek, meting 4, 1985 - LVO
Monitoring the effects of tariff raises in public transport within the framework of the general mobility developments. This description comprises the fourth wave of the... -
Gebruik van autogordels 1970-1973
Data on use or non-use of safety-belts among motorists / attitude towards use of safety-belts and knowledge of their effectiveness / effects of information program by Veilig... -
Rekening rijden 1989
To study the effects of road pricing ( rekening rijden ) on traffic streams. First stage: Departure and arrival time, origin, destination, purpose / public transport as... -
Gebruikers van grote wegen 1977
Use of car / use of road restaurants / motels / general traffic behaviour / type of car / geographic mobility / use of stopping places along roads. Background variables: basic... -
Parkeren in perifere werkgebieden in de Randstad 1988
Investigation of effectiveness and negative side-effects of parking-measures, aimed at reducing rush-hour traffic and car use in general. The study investigates secondary and... -
Rekening rijden : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Subjectieve onveiligheid voetgangers 1984
Gaining insight in problems of pedestrians in traffic safety / obstacles on sidewalks / accidents / causes of trouble and possible solutions / pedestrians. Background variables:...