Below-ground carbon stocks and soil properties in the central Lena River Delt...
Arctic warming increases the degradation of permafrost soils but little is known about floodplain soils and other permafrost soils in the permafrost region. This dataset present... -
(Table 1) Location and bulk properties of samples from the NW Iberian margin ...
Surface sediment samples were sampled from a depth interval of 0-2 cm. -
Concentrations of total organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, TOC/DON r...
We tested whether the δ15N values of total dissolved N (TDN), measured directly in solution with a TOC-IRMS, can be used to help elucidate N sources and sinks along the water... -
Contents of total carbon, inorganic carbon, organic carbon, and total nitroge...
A shallow sediment core GeoB21367-1 was collected with a gravity corer from the region of the Sartori Mud Volcano in the Calabrian accretionary prism during cruise POS499 with... -
Bulk parameter data, formate and acetate data and microbial life and past bio...
Within the Russian-German research project CARBOPERM the organic matter (OM) in several permafrost cores from Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island in NE Siberia was investigated. In the... -
CarbonBridge 2014: Physical oceanography and microorganism composition during...
Data were collected on and off the shelf northwest of Svalbard during cruises in January, March, May, August and November 2014. The sampling depths were 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50,... -
Organic carbon (OC) content, nitrogen content, C/N ratio, carbonate content, ...
The grain size of sediments was determined with a Cilas 1180 laser-diffraction particle analyzer (range 0.04–2500 μm) and the mean grain size was calculated. The surface area... -
Basic sedimentary characteristics from permafrost cores from the Noatak, Kobu...
This data set describes the soil core and sample characteristics from soil cores collected in the Noatak (67.03 N; -162.45 E), Kobuk (66.79 N; -161.37 E), and Selawik (66.58 N;... -
Sedimentological data of permafrost cores from Barentburg area
The geochronology was established on the basis of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates using a Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS) implemented at Alfred Wegener... -
C/N ratio of sediment cores 1R to 5R at site PS104_21-3
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XRF and biogeochemical characteristics of sediment core PG2201 from Lake Mala...
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Sedimentological, biogeochemical and hydrochemical characteristics of core PG...
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Sedimentological, biogeochemical and hydrochemical characteristics of core PG...
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Organic geochemistry of sediment core EN18208 from Lake Ilirney, Chukotka, fa...
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Geochemistry of Holocene sediments at Yedoma cliff
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Nitrogen and organic carbon content at the sediment-water interface in the Ca...
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Geochemistry of permafrost core SI1, Saunders Island
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Geochemistry of permafrost core GL3, Annikitisoq
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Geochemistry of incubated permafrost and seawater from the western Canadian A...
We present geochemical and hydrochemical information on individual permafrost and seawater samples from the Yukon Coast in the western Canadian Arctic used for an incubation... -
Organic geochemistry of ODP Site 202-1234
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