XRF and biogeochemical characteristics of sediment core PG2201 from Lake Mala...
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Grain size characteristics of sediment core PG2201 from Lake Malaya Chabyda, ...
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XRF, grain size, and biogeochemical characteristics of a sediment core from L...
Eight overlapping sediment cores, representing an approximately 6.6 m–long composite sequence, were collected on March 24, 2013 from Lake Malaya Chabyda in Central Yakutia... -
Compiled Late Pliocene Stable Carbon Isotope Data from Sites in the Atlantic ...
Here we compiled stable carbon isotope data from 23 ODP sites in the Atlantic and Pacific, binned by marine isotope stage.Stable carbon isotope data were binned and averaged... -
n-alkane carbon and hydrogen stable isotope data from sediment core M125-95-3
In order to assess the response of vegetation from eastern tropical South America to hydroclimate changes during the last ca. 45 kyr, we analyzed marine sediment core M125-95-3... -
Continuous water level (Table 5)
The water level was continuously measured at 5 stations along the transect during the entire sampling period to monitor changes in hourly intervals. Please note that individual... -
Atmospheric weather data (air and soil temperature, relative humidity, photos...
The weather station was set up in the beginning of the sampling period in August 2019 and ran the entire sampling period with an interruption between 30th January 2020 and 11th... -
Surface water parameters (pH, specific conductivity, salinity, nutrients, oxy...
Surface water parameters were measured in parallel to the gas measurements and soil coring for microbial analyses. Most surface water variables (pH, specific conductivity,... -
Pore water and soil variables (pH, specific conductivity, nutrients, metals, ...
Pore water parameters were measured in parallel to the gas measurements and soil coring for microbial analyses. Pore water/soil variables (pH, specific conductivity, nutrients,... -
CO2 and CH4 fluxes before and after rewetting (Table 2)
CH4 and CO2 fluxes (stations 0-7) were calculated from online gas concentrations measurements using laser-based analyzers and manual closed chambers (Livingston, GP, &... -
Absolute abundances of methane- and sulfate-cycling microorganisms, pore wate...
Soil cores for microbial, dissolved gas concentrations and isotopic analysis were taken using a Russian type peat corer (De Vleeschouwer et al. 2010) before and after rewetting.... -
Stable isotopes and mol% of amino acids in 0.2-3 µm seston at surface during ...
The Amazon river accounts annually for 20% of riverine discharge into the global ocean with strong seasonal variations. This lens of freshwater spreads at surface as a plume,... -
Stable isotopes and mol% of amino acids in 3-200 µm seston at surface during ...
The Amazon river accounts annually for 20% of riverine discharge into the global ocean with strong seasonal variations. This lens of freshwater spreads at surface as a plume,... -
Brackish water rewetting of a temperate coastal peatland in NE Germany: Effec...
The rewetting of drained peatlands is a promising measure to mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by preventing the further mineralization of the peat soil through aeration.... -
Stable isotopes and mol% of amino acids in seston at surface during ENDEAVOR ...
The Amazon river accounts annually for 20% of riverine discharge into the global ocean with strong seasonal variations. This lens of freshwater spreads at surface as a plume,... -
Benthic foraminifera isotope ratios of ODP Site 145-887
Here we present stable carbon and oxygen isotope data measurements of C. wuellerstorfi in discrete samples from ODP 887A. Samples were freeze dried, weighed, soaked in water for... -
GRAPE density of ODP Site 145-887
New composite GRAPE WBD profile from our new splice at ODP site 887. The composite depth scale for site 887 was created by visual correlation of the shipboard GRAPE WBD... -
New splice for the late Pliocene interval ODP Hole 145-883C
Here we present new splice for the late Pliocene interval site 883 hole C. The composite depth scale was created by visual correlation of the shipboard gamma ray attenuation and... -
New splice for the late Pliocene interval ODP Hole 145-883B
Here we present new splice for the late Pliocene interval site 883 hole B. The composite depth scale was created by visual correlation of the shipboard gamma ray attenuation and... -
Calcium carbonate weight percent and mass accumulation rates of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present new and shipboard calcium carbonate weight percent and mass accumulation rates in discrete samples from ODP 883B. 71 accelerated solvent extractor sample...