Optical spectra of Mira variables
The details of the mass-loss process in the late stages of low- and intermediate-mass stellar evolution are not well understood, in particular its dependence on stellar... -
X-ray activity of nearby G-, K-, and M-type stars
The intense X-ray and UV emission of some active M stars has raised questions about the habitability of planets around M-type stars. We aim to determine the unbiased... -
Herschel DEBRIS survey of M-dwarfs
The Herschel open-time key program Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared and Sub-millimeter (DEBRIS) is an unbiased survey of the nearest 100 stars for... -
M giants in Cassiopeia
Coordinates and identifications for M-type stars in Cassiopeia Cone search capability for table J/PASJ/33/107/table (Catalog of M-, C- and S-type stars) -
RV and LC of 8 M dwarf stars with planets
Exoplanets smaller than Neptune are common around red dwarf stars (M dwarfs), with those that transit their host star constituting the bulk of known temperate worlds amenable... -
GJ 3512 radial velocity and light curves
Surveys have shown that super-Earth and Neptune-mass exoplanets are more frequent than gas giants around low-mass stars, as predicted by the core accretion theory of planet... -
LAMOST M stars stellar and flare parameters
A catalog of M stars has been published from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope data release 7 (LAMOST DR7). We cross-matched the LAMOST M catalog... -
M Dwarf catalog of LAMOST DR1
We present a spectroscopic catalog of 93 619 M dwarfs from the first data release of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) general survey.... -
M stars in Cepheus region
The results of a spectral classification of 257 M stars observed in the Cepheus region are given. Their equatorial coordinates, photographic stellar magnitudes, and spectral... -
23 low mass stars photometry
Observations of low-mass stars have frequently shown a disagreement between observed stellar radii and radii predicted by theoretical stellar structure models. This "`radius... -
Abundances of FGK primary stars
Detailed chemical composition of stars is of prime interest for a range of topics in modern stellar astrophysics, such as the chemical evolution of the Galaxy or the formation,... -
Optical spectra of M dwarfs blue depression
A blue depression is found in the spectra of M dwarfs from 4000 to 4500{AA}. This depression shows an increase toward lower temperatures though is particularly sensitive to... -
The EBLM project - IX.
Eclipsing binaries are important benchmark objects to test and calibrate stellar structure and evolution models. This is especially true for binaries with a fully convective... -
EBLM project. VIII.43 M-dwarf light curve
The accuracy of theoretical mass, radius and effective temperature values for M-dwarf stars is an active topic of debate. Differences between observed and theoretical values... -
TRAPPIST-South UCD Transit Survey
We conducted a global analysis of the TRAPPIST Ultra-Cool Dwarf Transit Survey - a prototype of the SPECULOOS transit search conducted with the TRAPPIST-South robotic telescope... -
NIR spectroscopic study of young M dwarfs
We present here medium resolution ({lambda}/{Delta}{lambda}~1200) H- and K-band spectra of M-type dwarf stars covering the wavelength ranges 1.50-1.80{mu}m and 1.95-2.45{mu}m.... -
Rotation periods for 107 M dwarfs from APACHE
We present rotation period measurements for 107 M dwarfs in the mass range 0.15-0.70M_{sun} observed within the context of the APACHE photometric survey. We measure rotation... -
DES Y3 substellar LT and M catalogs
In this paper we present a catalogue of 11745 brown dwarfs with spectral types ranging from L0 to T9, photometrically classified using data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES)... -
Origin of stellar flares on M dwarfs using TESS
Detailed studies of the Sun have shown that sunspots and solar flares are closely correlated. Photometric data from Kepler/K2 has allowed similar studies to be carried out on... -
Spectro-interferometry of 8 evolved stars
We determine the physical parameters of the outer atmosphere of a sample of eight evolved stars, including the red supergiant {alpha} Scorpii, the red giant branch stars {alpha}...