Benthic Chamber Lander stable isotope tracer experiments in the Cabo Verde Ab...
A total of five deployments of a Benthic Chamber Lander were conducted at the Cabo Verde Abyssal Plain (tropical East Atlantic) at about 4200 m water depth. The deployments took... -
Taxa specific meiofauna density in the HAUSGARTEN area (Fram Strait) in 2014 ...
Values were originally given per 10 cm2 (rounded to 1 decimal place) and were recalculated to m2 by multiplying by 1000.During PS85 (in 2014) bacteria density, meiofauna... -
Total oxygen fluxes in the HAUSGARTEN area (Fram Strait) in 2014 (POLARSTERN ...
For ex situ total oxygen uptake (TOU) measurements, sediment cores recovered by a MUC were used. The sediment cores were closed airtight with no air bubbles in the overlying... -
Taxa specific macrofauna density in the HAUSGARTEN area (Fram Strait) in 2014...
During PS85 (in 2014) taxa specific macrofauna density was determined. Sediment from MUC recovered sediment cores and from the benthic chambers was used for macrofauna... -
Taxa specific macrofauna biomass in the HAUSGARTEN area (Fram Strait) in 2014...
During PS85 (in 2014) taxa specific macrofauna biomass was determined. Sediment from MUC recovered sediment cores and from the benthic chambers was used for macrofauna... -
Bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna density and macrofauna biomass in the HAUS...
During PS85 in 2014 bacteria density, meiofauna density, macrofauna density and macrofauna biomass was determined. For the bacterial density determination, sediment subsamples... -
Bioturbation potential in the HAUSGARTEN area (Fram Strait) in 2014 (POLARSTE...
During PS85 (in 2014) and PS93.2 (in 2015) sediment cores were recovered by a Multiple corer. Further, autonomous benthic lander were deployed at the HAUSGARTEN stations HG I... -
In situ measured oxygen profiles from station PS85/466-1 (HG IV) within the H...
During PS85 (in 2014) and PS93.2 (in 2015) autonomous benthic lander were deployed at the HAUSGARTEN stations HG I and HG IV. The lander was equipment with a profiler unit,... -
In situ measured oxygen profiles from station PS85/476-1 (HG I) within the HA...
During PS85 (in 2014) and PS93.2 (in 2015) autonomous benthic lander were deployed at the HAUSGARTEN stations HG I and HG IV. The lander was equipment with a profiler unit,... -
Diffusive oxygen uptake in the HAUSGARTEN area of the Arctic Fram Strait in 2...
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