Pollen abundance of sediment core Limni Lysimachia, Province Aetolia
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Poaceae nuclear phylogeny
The project utilizes nuclear genes from transcriptome sequencing data to reconstruct the phylogeny of Poaceae (grass) family and study the evolutionary history of photosynthetic... -
Pollen profile GOSCI187, Lake Gosciaz, Polen
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Small RNAs in monocots
In monocots other than the cereals maize and rice, the repertoire and diversity of microRNAs (miRNAs) and the populations of phased, secondary, small interfering RNAs... -
Identification of orthogonal LoxPsym sites for controlled recombination in S....
We developed a set of novel LoxPsym sites. We evaluated orthogonality of these sites in S. cerevisiae, Z. mays and E. coli. For experiments in S. cerevisiae, we used a... -
Selaginella moellenforfii, Arabidopsis thaliana, Equisetum arvense, Zea mays ...
Laser microdissected samples of shoot apical meristem sub-domains from Selaginella moellendorfii, Equisetum arvense, and Zea mays samples. -
detection of transgene events by NGS
With a large number of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) entering the food and feed markets, it is now urgent to develop effective and efficient GMO detection methods. We... -
The prevalence, evolution and chromatin signatures of plant regulatory elements
Chromatin accessibility and modification is a hallmark of regulatory DNA, which has led to the discovery of cis-regulatory elements (CREs). Here, we characterize chromatin... -
Detection of genetically modified organisms
Detection of genetically modified organisms using highly multiplexed amplicon sequencing -
Pollen profile VLADAR, Vladar, Czech Republic
This dataset was archived on 2014-09-12 from the EPD database (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net). -
Pollen, non-pollen-palynomorphs, and microcharcoal of core Peny, Kursk region...
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Pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs record from sediment core Razdolye, Kursk reg...
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Pollen analysis from the study site Omelchenki, Kharkiv region, Ukraine
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Pollen counts of sediment core UDD-E from Lake Uddelermeer (The Netherlands) ...
Pollen classification as used by Engels et al. (2016, doi:doi:10.1177/0959683616632890) is provided:TS = Trees and ShrubsHea = Heathland taxaHI = Upland herbaceous taxaSP =... -
Pollen and spores record of peat profile Torfteich Grabkow
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Kienberger Rinne KBR6
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Kienberger Rinne KBR3
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Griessener Teich
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Pollen density in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake Superior, Minn...
Pollen density is measured per dry weight of sediment.TRSHR - Trees & shrubs groupUPHRB - Upland herbs groupWETEM - Wetland emergents groupAQUAT - Aquatics groupPTERI -... -
Relative abundance of pollen in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake ...
TRSHR - Trees & shrubs groupUPHRB - Upland herbs groupWETEM - Wetland emergents groupAQUAT - Aquatics groupPTERI - Pteridophytes groupSPORE - Spore group