Hydroclimate records from the eastern tropical Indian Ocean of sediment core ...
Planktic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes, Mg/Ca and Mg/Ca-derived SST estimates of sediment core SO189/2_039KL. The isotopic composition of the samples was measured using a... -
Hydroclimate records from the eastern tropical Indian Ocean of sediment core ...
Planktic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes, Mg/Ca and Mg/Ca-derived SST estimates of sediment core SO189/2_119KL. The isotopic composition of the samples was measured using a... -
Temperature reconstructions of sediment core GeoB10038-4 off SW Sumatra
*: AMS 14C dates converted to calendar ages using the CALPAL2007-Hulu calibration (Joeris and Weninger, 1998)#: tiepoints to LR04 stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005)Mg/Ca ratios... -
(Table 1) Shell stable oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios of various planktic f...
Average values are calculated for each basin (bottom).b = Values from Mohtadi et al. [2007].c = Samples with anomalously high Mg/Ca values that were excluded from calculation of... -
Isotopic compositions, Mg/Ca ratios and sea surface temperatures of sediment ...
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Isotopic compositions, Mg/Ca ratios and sea surface temperatures of sediment ...
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Geochemistry of sediment core 755 recovered during Poseidon cruise POS317/2
Sediment depth was corrected for a loss of the top 35 cm during sampling. -
Pore water chemistry of sediment core 755 recovered during Poseidon cruise PO...
Sediment depth was corrected for a loss of the top 35 cm during sampling. -
Pore water chemistry of sediment core 214 recovered during METEOR cruise M72/1
Sediment depth was corrected for a loss of the top 35 cm during sampling. -
Mg/Ca paleotemperatures on Globigerinoides ruber (pink) of ODP Hole 175-1078C
2017-09-25: Correction of parameter #9 to Globigerinoides ruber (pink) Mg/Ca. -
Mg/Ca paleotemperatures on Globigerina bulloides of ODP Hole 175-1078C
This dataset has no description
(Table 1) Mean spring and annual temperatures and salinities from World Ocean...
WOA01 spring: Core top calcification temperature and salinity for G. bulloides: Average spring (April-June) T and S in 20-200 m water depth.WOA01 annual: Core top calcification... -
(Table 1) CTD data, mean spring and annual temperatures and salinities from W...
= G. bulloides only calcifies in the uppermost part of the water column. Hence, specimens from deeper tows are expected to be similar to the shallow ones. This is also... -
1) (Figure 3) Monthly interpolated coral Sr/Ca record from Bonaire coral BON-...
Fossil coral U/Th Age: 120.5 ± 1.1 kyr before the year of measurement (which is AD 2014) / Time period: 14 years around 120.5 ka / Internal chronology starts at base (oldest... -
7) (Figure 3) Monthly interpolated coral Sr/Ca record from Bonaire coral BON-...
Fossil coral U/Th Age: 129.7 ± 1.7 kyr before the year of measurement (which is AD 2014) / Time period: 10 years around 129.7 ka / Internal chronology starts at base (oldest... -
2) (Figure 3) Monthly interpolated coral Sr/Ca record from Bonaire coral BON-...
Fossil coral U/Th Age: 123.3 ± 3.1 kyr before the year of measurement (which is AD 2014) / Time period: 6 years around 123.3 ka / Internal chronology starts at base (oldest... -
4) (Figure 3) Monthly interpolated coral Sr/Ca record from Bonaire coral BON-...
Fossil coral U/Th Age: 125.5 ± 2.4 kyr before the year of measurement (which is AD 2014) / Time period: 5 years around 125.5 ka / Internal chronology starts at base (oldest... -
5) (Figure 3) Monthly interpolated coral Sr/Ca record from Bonaire coral BON-...
Fossil coral U/Th Age: 125.5 ± 2.4 kyr before the year of measurement (which is AD 2014) / Time period: 5 years around 125.5 ka/ Internal chronology starts at base (oldest... -
6) (Figure 3) Monthly interpolated coral Sr/Ca record from Bonaire coral BON-...
Fossil coral U/Th Age: 125.8 ± 1.6 kyr before the year of measurement (which is AD 2014) / Time period: 10 years around 125.8 ka / Internal chronology starts at base (oldest... -
3) (Figure 3) Monthly interpolated coral Sr/Ca record from Bonaire coral BON-...
Fossil coral U/Th Age: 123.9 ± 1.3 kyr before the year of measurement (which is AD 2014) / Time period: 37 years around 123.9 ka / Internal chronology starts at base (oldest...