X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements of sediment core POS325/2_472
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X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements of sediment core POS325/1_359
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XRD measurements of sediment core GeoB GeoB13729-1
All values in wt%. -
(Table T2) Quartz, dolomite and low-magnesium calcite abundance of ODP Hole 1...
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Sedimentary, geochemical, mineralogical and photospectrometric properties of ...
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Sedimentary, geochemical, mineralogical and photospectrometric properties of ...
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Mineral determination from IODP Site 356-U1461
The Northwest Shelf of Australia (NWS) is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary... -
Bulk mineralogy of composite sediment core NC_08/01
Presented are analytical data from lacustrine sediment cores, retrieved from Lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau). The sediment core is a composite of one gravity core, taken with a... -
(Table 3) Mineralogic, elemental, and stable isotopic composition of bulk car...
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(Table 2) Mineralogic, elemental, and stable isotopic composition of bulk car...
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(Table 1) Mineralogic, elemental, and stable isotopic composition of bulk car...
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(Table 2) Mineral composition of ODP Site 166-1007 sediments
Sediment depth is given as mbsf. -
(Table 1) Mineral composition of ODP Site 166-1003 sediments
Sediment depth is given as mbsf. -
(Table 2) Aragonite and magnesium calcite content of sediments from ODP Leg 1...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. Percentages were calculated using peak areas and standards of known composition. -
(Table 1) Average sediment composition of ODP Leg166 Holocene sediments
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Fine fraction (<63 µm) x-ray diffraction analyses (weight percentage) of surf...
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Bulk sediment x-ray diffraction analyses (weight percentage) of surface sedim...
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Fine fraction (<63 µm) x-ray diffraction analyses (weight percentage) of surf...
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Bulk sediment x-ray diffraction analyses (weight percentage) of surface sedim...
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Petrography, carbonate mineralogy and texture of carbonate rocks of Meteor an...
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