Seawater carbonate chemistry and pH of the extracellular calcifying fluid and...
Ocean acidification (OA) threatens the growth and function of coral reef ecosystems. A key component to coral health is the microbiome, but little is known about the impact of... -
d11B and metal/Ca ratios versus size fractions in the Surface and deep dwelli...
We have assessed the reliability of several foraminifer-hosted proxies of the ocean carbonate system (d11B, B/Ca, and U/Ca) using Holocene samples from the Atlantic and Pacific... -
Lithium and osmium isotopes, and trace element ratios in bulk carbonates of I...
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Lithium and osmium isotopes, and trace element ratios in bulk carbonates of O...
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Trace element composition of sediment core PS75/160-1
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(Table 4) Various M/Ca and Mg/Li for individual corals measured by solution I...
Only clean inner parts of individual coral specimens have been used for solution-based trace elemental analyses. -
Coral Li/Mg records of deep sea temperature during the last deglaciation
Fossil scleractinian corals were collected from the Galápagos platform in the East Equatorial Pacific (0°N, 90°E) on cruises MV1007 and NA064 from water depths between 419 and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and clownfish Amphiprion percula size and otholi...
Calcification in many invertebrate species is predicted to decline due to ocean acidification. The potential effects of elevated CO2 and reduced carbonate saturation state on... -
Culture seawater properties and Clathromorphum compactum skeletal analyses
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Boron isotope, trace elements and pH data (1990-2013) of the Porites lutea co...
Atmospheric CO2 rise in post-industrial era has resulted in decline in surface ocean pH, commonly known as “ocean acidification (OA)”, which has become a threat to marine... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and elemental ratios in biogenic marine calcium ...
Elemental ratios in biogenic marine calcium carbonates are widely used in geobiology, environmental science, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. It is generally accepted... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and trace element composition of bivalve shell
We sought to determine how pCO2 will affect the incorporation of trace elements into bivalve shell. This was to validate that under high pCO2 conditions reconstruction of animal... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and otolith development and chemistry in a diadr...
Ocean acidification threatens marine ecosystems by altering ocean chemistry and calcification processes in marine organisms. This study investigated the effects of predicted... -
Seawater carbon chemistry and regenerative capacity of in adult sea urchins s...
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has resulted in a change in seawater chemistry and lowering of pH, referred to as ocean acidification. Understanding how different... -
Boron isotopes, trace elements and pH calculation for Norwegian deep sea cora...
d11B and trace results obtained for a deep sea coral specimen Madrepora oculata collected from the Norwegian Sea (67°N, 9°E, 340 m) during the RV Polarstern ARK/II/Ia cruise... -
Stable isotope and trace element data for a Siderastrea siderea coral core CI...
Massive corals act as a climate archive for the tropical oceans. They can provide valuable information in regions that have no or limited observations such as the southern Gulf... -
Li/Ca elemental ratios of Dharamjali speleothem DHAR-1A (Table X3)
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Benthic foraminifera elemental ratio data of sediment core MD77-191, North In...
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Geochemistry of Globigerina Bulloides in Santa Barbara Basin measured by Lase...
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Near monthly records (1991-2013) of trace element ratios of Porites lutea fro...
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